Chapter Six

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My eyes met with Jacob's, he smiled at me and placed me on the floor.


I stood on my tip toes to place a kiss on his cheek - he didn't flinch.


I moved out the way of the door.


"What?" Jacob pulled the door open and Olivia fell inside. "Are you that impatient?"

"Why did it take you so long to answer the door?"

"I don't know. Why did it take you two seconds to hop on the next dick because I drunk denied you?"

She gawked at him and went for me. Her first collided with my face and I stumbled back. Riley jumped forward and caught me, my head inches away from hitting the counter. Jacob nodded at Riley and put his attention back to Olivia.

"What, so you don't deny it? You just lash out at Grace because she saw it happen?" He pulled her out of the kitchen and towards the front door. "You know, I'm glad this happened. I don't particularly want to be with someone who sleeps around. If you're seeing someone then you should keep your legs shut." He leant forward. "Oh and this is me telling you I don't want to see you anymore."

Her eyes began to water, a tear streaming down her face. "I didn't mean it! I was mad at you for being an asshole."

"Oh yeah, great fucking comeback." He opened the door and shoved her out. "Goodbye." He slammed the door in her face and stalked back to me.

Riley brushed down his clothes and cleared his throat. "So I'll see you tonight?"

We both nodded at him before he turned and walked out the door.

"So," I breathed.

"I have a question." Jacob looked away from me for a moment.


"Go on a date with me?"


I had been practically grinning all morning. If this went well it would be my second ever date - the first one being us when we were children.

He had planned to take me out Friday, it was currently Wednesday afternoon and we were sat in the living room eating cereal for dinner; cooking just wasn't something either of us could be bothered to do. Plus who didn't eat cereal for dinner every once in awhile?

It had been two days since he had broke things off with Olivia. She occasionally tried to call him, text him, and even came to the door last night. We had gone to the cinema as planned with Riley, but soon left when Olivia started a fight once our hands entwined half way through the film.

I placed my bowl on the side and moved closer to Jacob. His arm slivered around my waist and pulled me closer so I was sat on his lap. Our eyes met, lips inches apart, but we agreed we wouldn't bring any physical activity into it yet. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he cradled me in his arms.

"We should probably get your sister soon." I laughed.

"Poor thing. I forgot she was stuck with Grandma, we'll take her out tomorrow morning?"

I closed my eyes and rested my head against his shoulder. I stifled a yawn, yanked my blanket over the top of us and smiled inwardly. "Sure, we'll go somewhere fun. How about a theme park?"

"We'll see." He laughed. "I think it's time we got some sleep." He lifted me up in his arms and carried me up the stairs, my blanket trailing on the floor behind us. We headed towards my bedroom and I began to suckle at the thought of leaving his arms.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not obsessed with him. I can live without him. It's just a new feeling - we haven't been this close since we were younger and quite frankly I'd love it to stay this way for as long as possible. Everything breaks at some time. I just hope it's not soon.

He let out a chuckle and placed me on the bed. I gripped onto his arm and begged him with my eyes, he wiggled it free and placed his hands either side of his shirt, pulling it up over his head. My eyes gazed at his body and back up to his face, he smirked at me and unbuttoned his jeans, letting them fall to the floor.

"So I guess you want to stay?" I giggled.

"Of course," he dove onto the bed and pulled my body against his. His lips pressed against my cheek. "Now, we made a deal but I think a kiss on the cheek is acceptable."

"Whatever you say, boss." I turned my body and placed a kiss on his cheek. He grinned and ran his hand through my hair, his fingers twirlings the ends around.

"Goodnight Grace."

I turned away from him, his body pressed against mine, and closed my eyes. "Goodnight Jacob." 

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