Chapter Twelve

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Something inside of me snapped. The nervous twitch that was eating away at me during the never ending screams from Grace had vanished.

I could feel energy surging through my body, my eyes clenched shut as everything turned pitch black, and before I knew it I was surrounded by parched trees in the forest with a pool of blood at my feet. 


(A/N: This is in third-person but will not occur regularly)

The room began to stir as he took a step back. His hands flew up to his forehead in a estranged panic, the feel of insects itching their way beneath his flesh.

Everything seemed to flicker between sanity and insanity. One moment he was stood with his hands clenched against his side, followed shortly by his fists rammed through the door keeping him in his cage. It happened between the flutters of his lashes, and he dared blink as regularly as he was supposed to.

The sudden urge to vomit hit him like Veronica's car, he began to heave, his body convulsing on the wooden floor.

'Relax. Let it take over', a voice commanded. He glanced around the room with blurred vision. There was no one there. 'Just relax'.

He let his muscles loosen as he lay on the ground and before he could flicker another eyelash, his body started moving.

One step at a time he made his way to the door; at first it was slow like a toddler stumbling to their feet for the first time. Then they grew stronger, his pace becoming more agile, before his ankles tangled together and tripped him face first into the floorboards. He didn't groan, or wince, or cry. He didn't feel an ounce of pain and for that he was grateful.

"What is happening." He tried to say, yet his mouth remained shut while his head exploded with an echo of his own voice.

Something felt terribly wrong.

~ Grace's P.O.V ~

I pulled at the rope burning dents into my bare wrists. I was tied down in the kitchen with nothing but my underwear on, and I felt very self-conscious in this moment.

Now, don't get me wrong, I was more terrified by the women gyrating a knife next to the oven, but my brain wouldn't stop overthinking my clothing situation.

"What's your name?" She spoke, her eyebrow raised.

"Grace." I merely whisper. "What do you want?"

She stood there for a moment, the knife in her hand no longer spun. She slammed it into the the side and marched towards me; my eyes squeezed shut as she got closer, her hot breathe against my chest.

"Jacob is mine." She began. "He has always been, and you will never be loved by him the way I have, or love him as much!" She reached for the knife. The blade felt ice cold against my stomach causing me to suck in a deep breathe. "I don't know what he sees in you. Maybe it's just the sex."

I laughed internally, like it would be that. We had left that out until our birthday, and I couldn't imagine Jacob waiting months just for one thing. Her eyes scanned my half smirking lips, she snarled slightly, pressing the knife harder against me until I felt it pierce the first lay of skin.

I winced, my hands balling as the ropes became agonisingly tight. I let out a Yelp helplessly. "I'm not playing games with you, girl." She spat.

I didn't reply. My head felt like a roller coaster that would never end as the blade dug deeper and deeper. She didn't force it in. She just held it there, pushing ever so slightly as it dug into my skin. I felt helpless and cold, not sure how I had came to be in this situation - not sure where Jacob was at this very moment or if he was alright.

Oh who am I kidding, of course he is! Why would a woman interrogate and harm another if she just simply killed the man she was going crazy over.

"Veronica." A voice burned deeply. I tried to focus my eyes on the figure in the doorway but the loss of blood made my vision blurry. The shadow came forward and yanked the blade away, pulling the woman with it as she flew across the room.

My eyes widened for a moment. I was shocked by the strength and action of the figure. I tried my hardest to get a clear glimpse of the person who had saved me from bleeding to death, but all I could see was purple glowing eyes before I passed out.

A/N: sorry I take so long to update! And that this isn't very long :( I'm in Disneyland Paris until Friday, it's 35 degrees, I have Minnie Mouse ears and I'm about to run off into the tower of terror so I thought I'd better give you another chapter just incase I die of happiness. Love you all 😊

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