Chapter One

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~ So before we start I just want to explain what's going on. I have gone over the story so many times since I have started writing it and honestly it is written awfully! There is nothing there to draw a person in and it's like a ten year old has wrote the story - I'm honestly shocked at myself. I guess people improve over time.

So I decided to start again. It will be the same kind of idea as the story you have read the beginning of - if you have done so - but more detailed and not paced so quickly. I think this is why I get writer's block!


The smell of lavender invaded my nose as soon as I stepped foot through the front door. It had been a year since I had even considered spending any waking moment in this house - not that the family who inhabited it were bad people; unless you have personally encounter their son, Jacob.

I gazed around in astonishment. They had changed so much interior since I had last had the pleasure of sitting down for a mouthwatering meal, courtesy of Mrs Carter. In the front hall dangled a chandelier, surrounded by flowered ceiling patterns trailing down the left wall. The shelves on either side of the door held a vase of roses, and a seat was perched beside the coat hanger.

I placed my suitcase down beside the living room door and sighed heavily. If I could turn and run away I would do so in a heartbeat. I had already made the attempt to jump out of our moving car when we turned the corner into the residence. One thing I hated about the summer - being stuck in a house with the most insolent guy I've ever met.

"Honey, it'll be fine. Stop huffing like that." My mother laughed at me. I rolled my eyes at her. She thought it was a good idea to leave me here - be supervised by someone who is more immature than I am.

"I haven't spoke to him since I was sixteen mum. I'm nearly eighteen now." I raised an eyebrow at her. "It will be awkward. He's a brat."

"Oh don't be like that!" She smiled sheepishly. "He's a sweet boy." She brushed a piece of hair from my eyes and grinned widely. "His father was the same when I was his age - people change darling."

I turned to face the way I just came in. Would it be reckless to make a run for it again? I thought to myself. I started pacing forward, practically ready to lunge for the exit when an arm wrapped itself around my waist. "Young lady!" I cringed slightly and looked up at my dad with a innocent smile on my face. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I forgot som-"

"Sure you did." He laughed, flipping me over his shoulder. I began throwing punches and kicking my legs in anger which caused a few more chuckles to rupture through his chest.

"I'm not staying with him! I'm not!" I yelled. I felt my feet touch the ground and a hand swirl me around. A smile crept its way up onto my face before I could help myself. I threw my arms around Isabel.

"Hi sweetie!" She squealed. "It's been yoinks! Where have you been all this time? You look radiant."

"I've been hiding away in my dungeon." I smiled sweetly. "If mum could have it any other way she'd lock me in there and pretend I was the abomination."

I could hear the sound of heavy footsteps before Sam turned the corner with a cheeky grin on his face. "Grace! How's my favourite girl?" He ran forward, scruffing my hair up. He planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Ay Captain." I saluted mockingly. We had always been a team, since I was four we had played pirates to keep me occupied - I was a devious child who always got into a mess. He lifted his arm up in the air as if his hand was a hook and scowled.

"You best be good matey, else ye be walkin the plank!"

"I'll try my best, captain!" I chuckled.

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