Chapter 13

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I wanted to hold her. To make her feel comfort in this moment of pain while she lay unconscious on the kitchen floor, but my body wouldn't respond to my dying need.

Instead it lurched towards the women trying to stumble to her feet. It threw my fist into her stomach in four powerful blows before she began coughing up blood - I felt bad. I knew I shouldn't but I did.

"You have done enough." The voice boomed as my body hunched over Veronica's. She tried to pull herself up but was pushed back down by, well, nothing.

In the moment of shock my body came to a halt, shaking as I resisted it's temptation for justice. Veronica was lay out on the floor with her arms high above her head. Muffled words seemed to squeeze past whatever covered her throat.

"Release," my inner demon spoke.

"What the hell is going on?" She screamed. She took to her feet and started running towards me.

My hand flung up just in time to grasp her by the neck. "Do you think you can hurt people because you are crazy?" I began. "Because you decide that some people supposedly belong to you like a possession?" I threw her to the floor. "You're wrong."

I turned my back to her to check out Grace's body. Well I assumed I did it for that reason. While my eyes seemed to wonder over her paling face I felt a sharp object slice through my shoulder blades. I winced in pain, turning to face Veronica one last time. 

The demon inside of me seemed to have snapped, grasping her for the last time around her throat. He held onto her tightly, heading out of the backdoor and into the forests that surrounded our property. "I've had enough!" He barked. He chucked her body towards the stump of a tree, her back cracking at the impact. She screamed in pain and hung her head. 

"Please," she cried. "I will go, I will leave. Tell them what I did, just please stop!" Her face was covered in dirt and bark. "I can't take the pain anymore." 

I stared at her for a moment. Sure she was a bad person but this was not justice. I didn't want to hurt her the way she had hurt me, the way she had hurt Grace - and instead of being by her side my body was seeking revenge. 

"Close your eyes," She spat out blood. "And cover your ears." Her hand shook as she raised the gun that was once clipped to her belt up to her head. I tried to step forward. I tried to stop her. I wasn't in control and I felt helpless, the only thing I could do was squeeze my eyes closed until I heard the shot ring out through the skies.

I held my breathe and ran forward - blood swarmed at my feet as I held her there for a moment. Tears began streaming from my eyes as her lifeless body became colder with every passing minute. I knew I should of stayed while the police arrived - but in my home lay the girl I loved, slowly bleeding out. I couldn't witness two deaths today. 

I ran back towards the house in hopes that Grace's pulse still beat hard enough to survive. 

A/N: So, I think Mrs Carter has some explaining to do to her son. 

I thought it would be a good idea to include the alter ego demon into the story to elaborate on it from the last story - plus it is a good story line I believe. 

Shall I keep this in the plot or do you dislike it? Opinions would be great. Thank you!

Elise xo

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