The Head Master. 10

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SORRY! IT'S SHORT. - - - - - - -


"It's so strange not having Miss Evangelista here..." I start
John takes a big breath and sighs.

"She was a good woman, knew how to deal with people." We stay silent for a while after he's finished talking.

"A bit dim witted."
"Oh Yeah," he smiles reminiscently at the thought of how stupid the head mistress could be.

"Can't believe the job goes to the creep that used to be depute head."
"Yeah, he's a bit weird isn't He?"
"A bit? More like a lot weird."
He just laughs in response.

After a while of comfortable silence, John speaks up.
I'm only aware of how close we're sitting when I look up at him,
If I reach out I could probably hold his hand...

"Uh, y/n?"
"Would you-- would- would you be interested in--"


John's interrupted by Finlay and Lars bursting through the door making me growl very quietly in frustration.

"What." I asked though the tone I used made it sound more like a statement.

"Mr L/n, it's only been about three and a half weeks since Salem went missing and in that time, Harlow and Miss Evangelista have both gone, missing. We're sick of people from our school going missing! We're going to the depute--- head master to ask if he has any idea what's going on and to see if he'll sign our petition to get them all found." Finlay states.

"How long have you been practicing that in the mirror?" I deadpanned.

"Every night since Friday." They say with a determine expression.

My face contorts to show that I'm highly impressed.

"Four nights? I'm impressed, well done Fin."
They smile brightly and thank me.
Lars smacks them upside the head and corrects them to stay focused.

"Take it you want us two to accompany you both?"

"Well-" Lars starts
"He's scary!!" Finlay finishes
"Yeah, what they said."

"Yeah, sure. Hang on a sec though."
I grab my bag and pull my phone out in case I need it. Then kick the bag back under my desk and head out, pulling Smith behind me.

Soon enough we reach the head master's office, there's a few voices inside the room so I hush my group.
"what-?" obviously it's John Smith...
"oh for gods sa-- Be quiet!!"

I roll my eyes at him and quietly wait at the door for the voices to stop.

Once they become hused I knock on the door, instantly it's pushed open by the new headmaster and he starts speaking.

"Go away." he demands.
"But, Mr--"
"No I don't know anything about the disappearances, now leave me alone, I'm attending to an important matter."
"Which would be...?" Mr Smith cuts in.
"Quite frankly, non of your business, Mr. Smith." the headmaster insists.

Okay this is a bit suspicious, the head master hiding important information from his staff?

"But, sir. We are teaching staff, if this is important then shouldn't we kno--"
"No you shouldn't, because it does not concern you."
"But!! - -" John ans I are cut off by a very court "Good day!" and a slammed door to the face.

"... Well that was rude..." Lars says.
"Yes it was, and very suspicious." John adds.

I just stare at the door in confusion and suspicion.

"So what do we do now?" Finlay asks.
"Now? We go to class." I say, my point proven by the school bell ringing to alert the students that break is over and it is time for third period of the day.

The two students roll their eyes at the fact of them having to actually learn at school.
"Go on. Well talk at lunch okay?" I usher them
"Sure, bye." they respond with, miserably.

John and I turn off in the opposite direction as the kids, walking back to our corresponding classrooms.

"Whatever that so called headmaster is hiding, I'll get to the end of it, I assure you." John tells me, a serious tone of voice held, as well as his expression.
"All I care about is the kids being safe." I reply honestly.
"Yeah well you would do."
"what's that supposed to mean?"
"You'd make a great dad."
I flush pink at that comment, stammering my words in embarrassment.

"Wh-What?!" I splutter.
"You would! I've seen the way you look and care for the students here, you keep then in check and you respect them as much as they do you!"
"well... I- I mean--I guess.."
"Well, I'll see you later, I've got first years." he groans.
"Haha, I have senior phase." I laugh at his demise.
"Oh you lucky sod!"
I laugh loudly at him and smile cheekily whilst walking into my blessed classroom whilst John walks into his own full of bored 11 year old that don't want to be there.


Show Me The Stars (Doctor Who x Male! Teacher! Reader) -10-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin