Mr. John Smith (2)

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Next week.

The bell for lunch rings out, dismissing Fifth period.

My class cluster around the door, trying to get out so they can get to the canteen quickly.

"Don't forget your homework is due next week, you also have a test on tuesda- wait that's not this class.."
I catch what's left of the students' faces relax after a look of horror.

"Sorry! See you tomorrow"
I smile sheepishly
After all the students leave, Ginger, one of the 'popular girls' walks past my room, with her group of friends.

"Hii, Mr. L/n!" she calls, with her obnoxiously loud and annoying, barbie like voice.
I smile and say hi back. I grab my cup of coffee, heading for the staff room, just as I lock the door I turn around and notice Finlay waiting shyly against the wall.

"Hey, Finlay. You okay?" I greet.

"Mr. L/n! I'm okay... I was waiting for you..."

I hum in response.
"What's troubling you?" I ask kindly.
"Well uhm... See the thing is..."
"Why don't we talk in my class room? You can have a sit down there."

We return to the now unlocked classroom and Finlay places their bag down under a desk, perching themself on the stool above it.
"I was thinking of uhm... Studying Astrophysics in Uni but I don't think I'd be accepted in, I was hoping you could do that weird thing you do that changes my mind..."
"You mean encourage and support you?"
"Yes! That."
I laugh.
"Okay So, first of all what ever voice in your head that's telling you that you can't do it, can kindly piss off."
They smile at that.
"You are more than capable of anything Fin, you're smart, hard-working and likeable, you're bound to get your A*'s."
"But what if I don't? What if I mess up and I can't get into the course that I want and I have to do skills for life instead?"
"Fin. You are too intelligent to not get at least an A. And I'm not putting pressure on you to do so Finlay, I'm letting you know that you are."

They looked up at Me, teary eyed.
They obviously want to hug me but they're too scared to.

I smile and put my arms out, the smile widening to a toothy grin when they throw themself at me.
My arms wrap around their small frame protectively and comfortingly.

"Besides, you're the definition of a Hufflepuff, whoever in their right mind that doesn't accept you in any way, shape or form is illegal and can go do one"
They let out a cute laugh, Finlay is not only the definition of a Hufflepuff, they're also the definition of adorable.

"You're scary. It's like some sort of like voodoo stuff that." They state, making me laugh.
"Yes, I have a small voodoo doll at home that's bonded to you." I joke.
"So are you okay now then?" I ask.
They nod their head.
"Good! Now I need to get lunch, you coming with?"
Another nod.

We part ways after getting food from the canteen, them going off to whatever club they have and me going to the staff room.

Upon entering the staff room I head my name being called.
I look up the the voice as if I've done something wrong.
"Y/n! Finally, what took you so long?" Miss Evangelista the headmistress asked me.
She's a nice woman, thick as mince though, shed not very austere so I have no idea how she managed to land the job as headmistress of a secondary school let alone keep it up for so long.
"I- uhm. Sorry. F-Finlay needed a bit of... encouragement. So I sat them down and gave them a bit of motivation." I answered truthfully.
"Oh, okay! Anyway, now that you're here I was just introducing a new member of staff! I'd like you to meet John Smith..." As she was speaking I leaned to the side to snag a glance at the new teacher.

He was good looking I'll tell you that.
He had a blue suit on accompanied by a red tie and a brown trench coat. His top button was undone and he was wearing worn out Converses.
His hair was dark brown and short, kept back from his face and had sideburns.
He was wearing thin dark framed glasses that seemed to fall off his nose a lot as he kept pushing them back up.
He was looking around the room as if he was looking for something but did a double take when he saw me looking at him. We started at each other, my gaze holding curiosity - his amusement.
He flicked his eyebrows up and showed a toothy grin making the corners of my lips twitch up into a cute smile.

"...He will be the new Physics teacher so you two will be spending a lot of time together. Please try to get along."
"W-wha-huh?" I push out in confusion.
Mr. Smith gives me an amused smirk.

After, we sat down and had a chat, getting to know the new teacher. Soon though the bell for sixth period rang, dismissing lunch.
I pout, I had only been able to finish half my coffee and a sandwich that I didn't even like.
I roll my eyes, discarding the horrid sandwich and snagged the coffee mug.
I click my fingers and made a circular motion with that hand, pointing in front of me, signalling for the new teacher to follow me whilst taking a swig of my coffee.
He seemed to get annoyed that I clicked my fingers at him but doesn't say anything about it as he gets up and follows me.

"So! Uh, I'm John Smi-"
"-I know." I say curtly.
"... Right. So. What do you teach then?"

I glance at him.
"Mostly Physics and Chemistry but I am legible to teach Biology."
"Cool, so you're like a science multitasker?"
"I don't think that's a thing, I'm a science teacher, I'm meant to be flexible when it comes to subjects."
"You're nothing like you were in the staff room. What happened?"
"Nothing. I'm just not used to having other teachers to talk to is all, sorry if I'm coming off a bit rude."
"No, no. It's fine, I understand."

"Well, that's your classroom there, mine is just here if you have any enquiries." I say, putting on an accent at the end. He smiles at me and nods.

I unlock the door, letting floods of students pack in, I'm somewhat happy about this class, Finlay is in this class and I dont think Aiden is in today.

I close the door and walk over to my desk.

"Okay! So back to what we were doing last lesson, carrying on our topic of The Andromeda, who remembers what?"
Finlay's hand shoots up.
I smile and call on them.
"It's got one trillion stars and planets and it is a spiral galaxy, like ours."
"Very good. How many light years away is it?"
"Roughly 2.54 million light years away."

"I heard Light years?" The door opens to reveal the new teacher. I roll my eyes.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Oh nothing, nothing's wrong. I was just asked to come observe your class and gain tips while meeting the students."
"Why wasn't I informed of this?"
"You were, in the staff room. Miss Evangelista told you but you were too busy ogling at me" he says with a mischievous grin.
I hear giggles from some of the students I had.
I silence them and motion for Mr. Smith to come into the class.

Oh boy...

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