Chapter 1

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The Return To Magnolia
It was a warm, sunny day in Magnolia. The month of May had brought the beautiful spring breeze to the city. Walking through this breeze were five strong wizards with two exceeds. They haven't been seen for two years, ever since they took a 100-year quest. 

These wizards and exceeds were known as Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Wendy Marvel, Happy, and Carla.

They were returning to their guild, Fairy Tail, known as the strongest wizard guild in all of Fiore. The guild was full of life as always, but something has felt... missing... over the past two years. Little did the lively guild know that what was missing was soon to return to them.

"I still can't believe we're home! It's been two years since we left," Wendy said.

The little girl everyone knew her as two years ago has since grown into a strong women. The chest she always envied had arrived as she aged. She stood at just below Lucy Heartfilia, the shortest of the others. Her air dragon slayer powers have grown even stronger.

"Wait until they see you, Wendy. They won't believe their eyes," Erza chuckled.

The red haired warrior, also known as The Titania, secretly couldn't wait to finally see Jellal again. Her childhood friend, turned enemy, turned friend once more, was the only thing on her mind.

"I wonder how Levy and the others have been," Lucy thought.

The celestial wizard played with the keys attached to her belt. She decided to continue growing out her blonde hair, which now ended at her upper thigh. It was held in a high side-ponytail, kept in place by a pink ribbon.

"Knowing them they've probably gotten themself into deep trouble with the council," Gray sighed.

The raven haired ice make wizard didn't want to see anyone other than Juvia, but he was too shy to admit. He longed for the water wizard to adore him, which he was also too shy to admit. If anyone knew that he liked when Juvia constantly expressed her love for him, especially the fire dragon slayer who walked just to the side of him, he wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Well the second I step into our guild, the first thing I'm gonna do is fight Gildarts! He won't believe how much stronger I've gotten," Natsu grinned his signature toothy grin.

The dragon slayer wasn't lying when he said he's gotten stronger. One roar from his lungs and he could destroy all of Magnolia in an instant. At least over the past two years he's learned to control his strength as well, or he would've probably completed the quest, only to lose the reward money from his recklessness.

And although he loves Magnolia and Fairy Tail, he really didn't care they were back. After all he had everything he needed right next to him. Some weren't necessary, like the ice freak he constantly fought with, but as long as he had his exceed Happy, and his partner Lucy, he had everything.

Don't get it wrong though, Natsu and Lucy are just partners and nothing more. At least, that's what they both claim. However what you claim isn't always the truth. And deep down the two partners knew that.

Ever since Mira put the thought in Lucy's head when she first joined Fairy Tail, it never left. For over four years (eleven if you count those spent on Tenrou Island) Lucy has had feelings for her partner. The air-headed, dense, idiotic, funny, adorable dragon slayer with spiky, salmon hair.

The same could be said for Natsu. Subconsciously Natsu always had feelings for his partner, but he wasn't aware of it until she died in his arms. It broke him. If it were the Lucy of the present, he would've never been the same. But future Lucy was still Lucy, and the moment she had her final breath, he realized his true feelings for her. The strong, moody, selfless, smart, beautiful celestial wizard who he desperately wished to call his.

The only one Natsu confessed to was his best friend; his blue exceed Happy. He was going to tell Lucy two years ago before they went on the 100-year quest, but he chickened out. A part of him didn't want to ruin their friendship, but another part of him didn't want to face rejection from the one he loved so much.

Now home in Magnolia, he hoped he would finally get the courage to tell her how he feels. Lucy however, had two things on her mind. First, she wouldn't have to worry about paying her rent for over five years from the reward money. Second, she thought of the fire dragon slayer she wanted, but was 100 percent certain he didn't feel the same way, which stopped her.

It's funny though. Everyone knew that Lucy and Natsu loved each other except for Lucy and Natsu of course. They were oblivious. When they returned, Mira Strauss, the matchmaker of Fairy Tail, was determined to get them together if they still haven't become a couple.

"Natsu come on. We just got home and that's what you wanna do? We spent two years on a quest. Can we just enjoy ourselves for a little bit first?"

The celestial wizard practically begged the fire dragon slayer. He looked at her and smiled.

"Fine. But I will fight him soon!"

Lucy rolled her eyes and continued into Magnolia with the rest of her team. The citizens recognized the team and cheered as they made their way to the guild hall. The team smiled and waved back. Before they had a moment to realize, they were at the doors of Fairy Tail.

Without wasting another second, Natsu ran forward and kicked the door open.

"Guess who's back!" Natsu yelled.

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