Life Is Crazy!

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39 weeks:

We had had a really good holiday and it was just what we needed it was such a good break. Me and Kate today went and got some last minute baby clothing she was now 37 weeks so it's an exciting time for both off us. Once we finished I went back home and Alfie had made us both a very spicy curry it tasted so good. Once we finished I gave all our babies a feed then we put them to bed together then we went to bed ourselves at 9pm we were so tired. I woke up at 2am in the morning and I was in agony and my side of the bed was soaking. My waters had broke! I quickly woke Alfie up and we got ready I put my trainers oversized jumper and leggings on and we gave the babies a kiss on the head and we left for the private hospital. I was a mixture of nervousness and excitement I couldn't wait to bring this baby home to complete our family but was nervous for the pain I was already in. Alfie held my hand the whole way there with a smile on his face he felt the same way as me. Once we got their I left my bra on and that was it I lay on the bed while the midwife did the observation and she said I was 9cm dilated so basically the babies head was nearly out. The pain was so bad but with the help of the gas and air I managed to breath through it. I kept going and going holding Alfie's hand and soon the baby came out and Alfie cut the cord and said it was a baby Boy. I was so excited now and couldn't wait to name him. We decided on the name Ryan we both loved this name. Alfies parents had went to our house and were with the babies now so it was all good they loved their mama and popa so much! Alfie held Ryan to without his shirt on. I then gave him his first feed which was amazing 7th of August,5:07, was which was the day our family became complete. It was 7am now and we were discharged they said we were both fit and well when we got back our triplets were still asleep so we sat with baby Ryan downstairs. I got a call from Kate at 10am saying that she had just giving birth! It was totally unexpected and she thought she just needed the toilet then the baby came out and she had had a BOY to!

10 weeks later :

I planned on having no more babies at all so I was now on the pill. It was the safest one for breastfeeding so I had no choice. Everything was settled now our triplets loved the new baby and were always trying to play with him and we were constantly telling them to be gentle as all they wanted to do was play! Alfie had landed a massive role in a movie which was paying him 50million. It was being filmed in all different places around America so me and the babies were just gunna stay at home. I wanted to do modelling but it was never going to happen when I was stuck in a little flat but now that I was famous I had a base and I wanted to use that to start it off. I started modelling for a clothing line a couple of weeks ago and was getting paid $5000 per shoot and I had been doing one for everyday. So that where I was off to today. I enjoyed shooting for this kind of thing. It really made me feel confident and love my body after giving birth to 4 babies.

6 months later :

My career had taken off and I was now modelling for big names which I was really happy about and Alfie was continuing to land massive roles in movies and stuff. The babies were so big now and we were all enjoying life. The triplets were modelling a bit and all the money was going into savings for them. We were planning on moving away from New York and to Hidden Hills, where the Kardashians lived. We had bought a massive mansion here which had 20 bedrooms and 15 bathrooms and lots of space. We wanted a house now having 4 kids. We knew the Kardashians but weren't very close to them but we would be when we move their. They had also said that we could go over whenever we wanted to aswell.

Skip to now it's 1:45 in the afternoon:

It was a Thursday and we were moving on the Saturday so I was busy doing the last of packing I had a couple of things on my mind like my manager had said that Oscar de la Renta had sent him an email about a possible full time job modelling with them but she wasn't sure. He knew that I was eager to take the job if I could get it as this was a potential massive milestone to model for as big of a name as Gucci. I was just going through the babies wardrobes sorting what I was keeping and what I was giving to charity when I head my phone ringing it was Cheryl my manager and she said what are you doing and I told her and she was like I need you to come over I have massive news. We had became so close over the past few months and she had became another best friend of mine I felt like I could relate to her so much. When she arrived she had poured us both a drink and she told me that i had landed the full time role of the lead Oscar de la Renta model and I was crying and she gave me a cuddle I couldn't believe it I never though in a million years that I would land it and I did I just couldn't believe it but she said she had more news aswell...
The part-time job Cheryl had put me in for Gucci had been accepted and the future looked so bright from here. I was so excited. On top of this in our new home I had my own personal stylist, hairdresser and makeup artist and I really couldn't wait. I was paying for it all on my own and both our names were on the mortage. I still couldn't believe I had went from skint waitress to a top model earning millions in the space of  4years and it was all because of Alfie and I still felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I knew the moment we met we were the perfect match.

Enough of this though I did have a good life but it was getting a bit boring just like this! We needed something else to jazz it up a bit! Me and Alfie were very happy and I was pleased life was the way it was to some life would be so crazy having 4 kids all very young but for us it was the normal now. But I had noticed that one thing hadn't changed- the way Alfie and I looked at each other still hadn't changed he still had that sparkle in his eye when he looked at me and that's what made me still feel so special!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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