New Job

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I had found a really good job as a data analyst and had started a couple of weeks after we came back from the Maldives. I was so happy in this new job and had settled really well. It was much better than sitting in the house all day.

Now that I had a job me and Alfie had decided we didn't want kids anymore at least not in the near future maybe when I was 30 but not now definitely not. I was only 20 after all. Alfie said he didn't mind and was happy if I was. So it was all good.

Me and Alfie were going from strength to strength we recently bought an airline together I invested some of my savings into it to. I decided to do this to make extra money to I didn't want to rely on Alfie all the time. I was stable so I thought why not?

In my new job I had an assistant who helped me he was called Jay. He was really nice and polite we also shared an office together it was all white walls and had some painting on the walls. Jay seemed to be a bit eager with me and obviously I wasn't interested no one could be better than my Alf. One day we were sitting in the office and he said to me "would you go on a date with me?" and I said back "no you know I'm married" he then said "ooo feisty I like it I know you like me its obvious" " no I don't and how is it" I said back with anger in my voice "Charlotte you know you want to we could just cut to the chase and have no dates if you like" he said trying to wind me up. "I said no Jay leave it" as I got up to walk out he said see you in a bit for a kiss maybe even a but more"...

This continued on for a few more months and I finally decided enough was enough I didn't want him so I sacked him. Next time I would have a girl as my assistant. I did just that a girl named Paige joined me and she was really good at her job she got every thing done I asked her to unlike Jay who would just sit around and try to flirt with me. I really liked her she was so polite and kind. I was so glad I had made the decision I did. I wore this kind of thing for work most days👇🏻👇🏻

It had to be office style I didn't mind the dress code I thought it was okay

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It had to be office style I didn't mind the dress code I thought it was okay.

I could also work from home if I wanted to so that was a bonus I did this some days when I couldn't be bothered but I had to be in on other days.

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