Chapter 15: The Days Back When

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Levi's p.o.v:

When I opened my eyes again, it was 6 am and I was alone on the couch, curled into the fabric of it.

'when did she leave...?' I remember falling asleep with her next to me, breathing slowly, she had fallen asleep first and I had spent time watching her... She was so calm, she even seemed happy with me after so long.

The last time I held her like that was after this huge fight we had, she'd even wrote down the whole thing in her diary, funny because I actually ended up reading that when she fell asleep.

I never thought about how much she remembered before the accident, every little detail she kept away in the small book that couldve been helpfull in the beggining of all this. I'm not sure if it exactly helped her memory or not, but she seemed embarressed by a lot of things in the entrys.

I sat up and stretched, surprised to see her drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen, already dressed for today and her backpack was on the table as well. I sat and observed her for a while, taking her raw emotion in. Catching somebody off gaurd couldn't compare to any other type of memory or photo. I stood from the couch, which caught her attention, making her smile sleepily in my direction.

"Morning, heichou" wait, heichou? that's been her nickname for me since we met but she didn't remember it, she seemed surprised that she even said it herself and hide her face by looking down into her half empty cup. "sorry..." she whispered it more to herself than to me, but I anwsered anyway.

"its fine, I don't mind it" I got myself a cup of coffee and sat across from her while stirring cream into it.

She rubbed her eyes and looked back up "I got it from a dream I had... more like a memory I guess, it just slipped out" I still don't understand why she's apologizing for it... I opemed my mouth the try to help her but she interupted me.

"how did you sleep?" she smiled lightly before drinking her coffe with sleepy eyes. "I slept fine... you?" she shrugged and shook her head.

"another one of those random wake up nights" story of my life. I chuckled to myself, most of my nights were like that and I havnt slept a full night in a while. She smiled to herself, still barely staring down into her coffee that was mostly empty.

We sat in the comfortable silence, listen to the wind out side and the relaxation of the air. My thoughts wondered to the diary, all the things we went through were finally in front of her, buut she still didn't remember worth a shit. Even so, giving up is not an option. I don't beleive in that bullshit when you set something free and if its yours it will come back, I believe that determination is key. Not to mention that Eren is being a major stuck up asshole of a brat-

"Levi? helllooo? earth to heichiou" Marcile was waving her hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention. I grabbed her hand, lacing my fingers through hers.

"yes?" A slight blush grew across her cheeks, I could hear her gulp before anwsering. "we should go... t-to get your stuff you know?" She nervously laughed and stood up straight, her figers closing onto my hand.

"Morning Marcile- ...Levi?! What the fuck are you doing here?!" Erens voice broke the silence, his voice dripping in venom that I knew was directed towards me.

"Don't get your dick in a knot, we were just leaving.." I stood up and began pulling Marcile along while she struggled to grab the car keys.

"Levi, I need to talk to you. now" now his voice wasn't angry, more of serious for once and it did make me slow down. What the fuck could this brat have to talk about now, all he does if fucking complain and I have to hold myself back from saying 'bitch please shut the fuck up' but he would only annoy me more if I did that .

Broken Memories (SNK fanfiction) Levi x OCWhere stories live. Discover now