Chapter 13: Anwsers And Openings

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Marcile's p.o.v

why did that spark a memory?

it was quick, instant almost, but I felt the difference.

' I know its a little early but... it would be an honer if you went on a date with me for valentines day this year'

has he asked me out on valentines day before?

Dammit I'm running out of time, say something!

his stare was intense, i was cold as hell, i needed to get home because the sun was setting and it was kinda odvious that he walked as far as he did. The snow was starting to pick up again as well, not making the cold any easier to deal with.

I began to rub my upper arms to try to create heat, i'll just have to anwser him later.

"u-uhm let me get back to you on that, okay?" his expression didn't change, but he stiffened a bit and I noticed his lips were actually turning purple from the cold, along with his ears... he wouldn't make it home without frostbite if he didn't have it already.

"hey, maybe you should come back to my place, i'm pretty sure you won't make it home without getting frostbite." i laughed lightly at the end, watching him get taken back a little by the offer.

He put a hand on the purple edges of his ears and nodded with a small sound, which I just took as a yes and started walking back home, which was about ten minutes away

'I should call Eren and let them know... maybe I should call Mikasa instead, yeah better idea'

"if you'll excuse me" i smiled quickly at him and took out my phone, dialing Mikasa.

who almost immediatly anwsered.

"hey Marci, falling off the edge of the earth again?" "haha very funny" I rolled my eyes. "uhm, a friend of mine is like super cold and i don't think he'll make it home without frostbite so I invited him to chill at our house, Is the car fixed?" she bursted out laughing, ima just guess that- "the car was never broken" called it.

" dammit Mika one day I will end you, anyway when we drive to school in the morning we'll just have to drop by his place to get his shit"

I heard her mumble something to somebody else, most likely Eren, and then clear her throat. "would this friend happen to be Levi?" I rolled my eyes and groaned loudly, earing a sideways look from Levi which I stuck my tounge out at. "yes it's Levi, put Eren in a cage please" she got one hell of a laugh out of that and I couldn't help but join her. Not to mention Levi looked away and i'mm pretty sure he could just so he could laugh. For some reason I felt a pang in my chest, but the good kind....

'maybe an hour or two with him wouldn't be bad...'

"but yeah, please hide him or something, we'll be there shortly, ten minutes maybe?" I heard more mumbling. "yeah sure! see ya!- EREN GO UPSTAIRS AND STAY IN THE CLOSET OR SOMETHING" "I REFUSE TO GO BACK IN THE CLOSET IT'S SCARY AND DARK-" I hung up and shoved my hands, along with my phone, back into my pockets and looking up at the sky, catching snowflakes on my face, I didn't need to hear the rest of that conversation anyway.

"I guess I should explain those pictures in detail, huh?" I snapped back to attention and looked at him, only to see him staring into nothing in front of us. I decided to just let him continue. he took a deep breath and his expression dimmed.

"I started taking those a while back, collecting them and in secret hiding them away for safe keeping." he looked away, not allowing me to see his face anymore. "It may seem strange but, I'm not really the type to find value in things, nor am I the type to keep memories, I think they can be toxic and in my case they still are. Even so, letting go of something completely isn't really possible, especially if that's what kept you grounded."

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