Chapter 7: The Day Of

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I had eventually fallen asleep and woke up to an excited Eren sitting on his knees by my bed with bright eyes. I rolled my eyes and proped myself up on my elbow, releasing a yawn and noticing that for one it wasn't the middle of the night I had woken up to

"I assume this is your way of waking me up?" my voice was lower and resembled that of a tired male (which was actually quite embarrassing ). Eren giggled to himself, most likely at my voice, and nodded eagerly.

"Mikasa's kicking us out for the day, so basically we're spending the whole day together!" he was extremely happy about this while my reaction was to pick up my pillow and bury my head beneath it while groaning. I loved spending time with Eren but I was still tired despite the almost full nights rest i'd received.

"can't we just stay in our rooms and sleep?" I was muffled, he layed his head ontop of the pillow i had mine under. "Marcilee I tried that!"

I took a deep breath, I could just barely smell his shampoo through the pillow. Groaning, I sat up and let the pillow fall off my head, he used my shoulder as a pillow now. "I wanted to wake you up earlier but Mikasa wouldn't let me"

I chuckled slightly "Good, I would've punched you if you had" he laughed lightly and pulled the covers off me. the cold hit me and i jumped after them but he got in the way, causing my to head butt his stomach and jump back.

"It's to cold to get out of the bed" He stood up and began pulling my arm, which I allowed to go limp, to pull me up. I groaned and let him drag me off the bed and onto the carpeted floor which i proceed to try to bury myself in

"you have to be the laziest person I have ever meant" he said with slight disbelief in his voice. It got strangely silent but I kept my eyes clothes, the carpet slowly warming me. I suddenly felt hands on my side, tickling me relentlessly until I was at at loss for words. "O-Ok s-s-stop I'll get up!!" I opened my eyes and saw Eren still laughing as he hugged me.

"I'll wait for you downstairs Marci!" He jumped up and practically skipped out the door, shutting it and heading downstairs. I stood up and rubbed my sides where he'd been tickling me, rolling my eyes and the action. While shaking my hair out and walked into my bathroom, brushing it while looking at my face in the smaller mirror, the cold always caused me to be much paler than usual (not like I was tan before).

I put a layer of chapstick on to try to heal the overly bitten lip of mine, erupting a hiss in pain. I decided to put on makeup to at least look half alive, I almost looked completely healthy despite the split lip that I couldn't hide. My lip continued stinging as I walked into my room, putting on a thick button up shirt that was a dark red and a pair black jeans. I slipped on my tennis shoes this time and walked downstairs, putting my hair up in a messy bun again "Alright Jaeger let's get outa here." I grabbed the keys and stood by the door, staring at them.

I can't believe i'm about to say this but I actually want to drive for once, sure i'm still scares out of my mind of cars but I need to drive again at some point. Either that or I just felt cocky today, could be anything.

"Uh, I'll wait outside!" "ok!" I quickly slipped outside and ran to the car, sitting in the drivers seat and taking a deep breath. "It's ok... you can do this" I looked at the key again and stuck it into the ignition, flinching slightly at the sound it made.

'You can do it...' I put one hand on the wheel and turned the key, starting up the car loudly but once it settled there was only a very low vibration. I grinned at myself, I successfully started a car without having a panic attack which has happened before.

"No way!!" I heard Eren's voice shocked as he walked to the car, his expression matching his tone. "You started the car and you're not crying?!" he smiled and I nodded, still shocked at myself. The car moved slightly as he got in and buckled, i did the same and backed the car out of the drive way, beginning my traditional hang out spot, the hill from my dream.

"I'm having trouble comprehending that i'm driving a car" I said to myself, but Eren also heard it. "I can't believe you even got in the car without me out here" his tone was still full of disbelief. "Somebody put ice down my shirt i'm dreaming!" he began pinched himself in various places, saying 'ow' every other pinch. I giggled, something I honestly wasn't used to doing, but in that particular moment it just felt right.

"You seem different today, you slept normally, you're driving, you just fucking giggled, and you wore makeup, are you okay is there more brain damage I didn't know about?" I shook my head, smiling brightly and pulling onto the side of the road, where the place i'd been heading for was down the incline.

"I just feel... good"

(this is like a few hours later)

Levi's P.O.V

two more hours

two more hours until I see her

two more until I go to retrieve my jacket

two more until go get drunk

I rarely cared about my appearance, most of my wardrobe was black anyway, but I guess I should at least try to not look like I got hit by a bus... 34 times. In the end i just had a dark blue shirt on and (as expected) black jeans which is more effort than i'd put into anything in two years. The floor made soft creaks with my frantic pacing, which was the only other sound next to the booming heartbeat in my ears.

What if I break

what if she tries to start a conversation

what if I can't handle it

what if-

"STOP!" I put my hands on my temples, stopping my pacing and taking deep breaths. "You are Levi. Fucking. Ackerman. you can handle going to a fucking party to get a jacket!" I was determined to get through this, walk in and walk out and everything would be fine. I put my hands to my sides and put my straight face on, heading out the door and to my car

I'm just going to get my jacket back

that's all

FINALLLY thank you guys so much for waiting! I know it was a really lame chapter but the next will be much better I promiseee

so do you guys think he's going just for the jacket? or will he stay?

find out next time on-

lol no don't do that

anyway, comment ideas please suggestions and such are always welcome!!


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