Chapter 8: It just slipped

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Marcile's P.O.V

"What was the point of that anyway?" Eren and I had just exited the mall where I had argued with the cashier until my price was correct. "I refused to pay 20$ extra for shit that was on the clearance rack for 10, that's ridiculous!" He laughed at my exaggerated tone and put the bags in the trunk. "Still you didn't have to bring her mom into it"

"yes I did"

"no, you didn't"



I groaned and got in the passenger side, we agreed he would drive back so he jumped in the drivers side and reved the car up. It was silent until we hit the road back to home (which was about 30 minutes away), then he started talking.

"Are you nervous?" I raised an eyebrow at the question, confused for a small moment. Sadly my good mood was ruined when it hit me...


I sank down in my seat, the nerves really hitting me now "I honestly don't know..." I looked at the hands that pulled at a string fraying from my shirt. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked..." I looked up to the guilt on his face, feeling a pang of guilt myself. "No it's fine, I shouldn't be so sensitive about it" I smiled lightly.

He did the same "Still I know that it's-" I held and hand up and cut him off. "Jaeger, no, it's fine"




"I don't want to hear it! it's fine!"

He faked a groan and rolled his eyes, which caused me to laugh as we pulled onto our street and the smell of alcohol already hit me. "Well damn they started without us"

"you'd think she would wait considering it's for us but she probably had to many before-party shots" We both laughed at the lameness of his joke.

"I really need to get to my room, but the odds are people le are already taking that over for sexual shit, we are an hour late after-all" He half-smiled as we pulled up to the street next to our house with a cramped drive way. I took a deep breath as he shut the car off, we looked at each other "you sure you can handle this?" he raised an eyebrow and gestured to the booming loud house. I nodded and opened the car door. "let's do this"

Levi's P.O.V

that did not go as planned

despite all my protesting I had shared some pre-party shots with Mikasa, which had turned into full on drinking with a shit-load of people drinking and dancing like idiots. I stayed in the kitchen area which was only visited by the occasional person getting another round of vodka shots. My eye's stayed glued to the door

'an hour late to their own party....tsk, brats.' I took another deep swallow of some fucked up type of liquor, feeling my throat heat up as it went down. Most were on their 3rd beer while I was still on the first, trying to be care full, I'd rather not be drunk as fuck driving home. Rejecting more drinks had been extremely difficult, my nerves were extremely high and the one drink was barely buzzing me.

The door opened and through all the shitty noise and other teens I could immediately see her with jaeger, receiving hugs and happy birthdays. A drink was immediately shoved into her hands by Hibari and she barely took another breath before swallowing half of it down. If I was going to get my jacket I'd have to ask now so I could get the hell out of here...

I didn't even have to move since she'd walked into the kitchen to grab a set of shot glasses that I assumed Hanji probably asked her for. She looked over to me and froze in place, even if I had been moving i'd do the same. I could feel the heartbeat in my ears, pounding, blocking the other noise out as she got over the initial shock and straightened up, smiling lightly.

Broken Memories (SNK fanfiction) Levi x OCWhere stories live. Discover now