Chapter 3: mumbled

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Crouched behind me he held an emotionless face, but his eyes were full of concern, though i'm not sure how I could tell. I wiped my eyes quickly and turned away, embarrassed at my current state and also the fact that he probably heard me screaming at nobody.

He sat on his knees next to me, taller of course, he didn't say anything until I had the courage to look back up at him



his voice was dull but I still saw the concern, even the way he sat shows it. There was a strange yet comfortable silence between us after our hello's, of course I can't explain why it was comfortable, it just was. The air blew every once in a while, causing me to shiver slightly

"Are you cold?" him speaking after the long silence startled me. I just shrugged, staring forward "I'll be fine" He made a small annoyed sound and draped a jacket over my shoulders. I raised an eyebrow at him but his face didn't change at all, instead of looking away, I studied him, his every single feature as he looked straight forward. Sure I had felt it when looking at him a year ago but it was stronger than before, a feeling in my stomach that drove me a little bit crazy. I slowly looked away and my phone rang, I forgot I had even put it in my pocket.

I looked at the screen carefully


I was probably going to get yelled at.
I answered slowly "Hello?"

"MARCILEEEEE! where are you!?" Eren's childish voice came through the phone and I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm at the park don't worry i'm not dead"

"Marcile if you were dead you wouldnt've answered idiot"



"you should use more fowl language around me"


"there you go, I'll be home soon"

"hurry it's already 5:30!" I hung up.

I stood up and brushed myself off, taking the jacket off and handing it back to Levi who had also stood.

"Keep it... I'll get it back tomorrow" and like that he left, not letting me say anything.

I sighed and put the jacket on, instantly feeling a familiar warmness

'Have I worn this before? I assume it's possible..' I began my walk back through the cold, examining the mental picture I had taken of him, the lighting, the expression he had... I might just draw it later on

I walked in the door as quiet as humanly possible, but of course the lock was loud as fuck. Eren jumped on me, hugging me in a death grip "Marcile we talked about walking out like that!" I just groaned and shook my head "Fuck walking during the day, to many people"

He groaned as well and pointed to the full breakfast he had made me and Mikasa, and also some for himself. "Eat, you're thin enough as it is" he made a point by poking my stomach, I swatted his hand away. "no touchy"

I walked over and sat down, slowly eating while Eren joined me, what he asked was surprising.

"Who were you with?" I raised an eyebrow at him, realising I was still wearing Levi's jacket

"I was alone"

"No you weren't"

"you don't know shit"

"you're wearing someone's jacket, Marcile, I do know shit"

"its mine"


"Erennnnnn!"I mocked his childish voice and heard Mikasa coming down the stairs.

"you two are too loud for it to be six am- where did you get Levi's jacket?"

Erens' mouth dropped open

"You were with Levi!?" I groaned at Mikasa

"He just showed up and gave me his jacket since I didn't bring mine like an idiot!"

Mikasa shook her head and sat down between us "Can you two not argue today? unless you haven't forgotten the party's tomorrow and we need to discuss what we need so I can go get crap today"

I shook my head


Eren and I said in sync, causing me to laugh and Mikasa to shake her head "You two might as well be blood related."

"It's a good thing we aren't"  Eren said in a joking tone but to me it sounded partially serious. I just face palmed and finished eating, taking the empty plate to the sink.

"So when is he getting his jacket back?" Mikasa asked loudly and I heard Eren scoff. "When he comes for the party." I said while shrugging and leaning against the counter. "I tried to reject it in the first place" I saw the corners of Eren's mouth twitch into a smile

"I swear you have a death wish, you're going to freeze to death one of these days" Mikasa put her plate in the sink and leaned on the counter as well, leaving Eren at the table. "No I'm not Mikasa, i'm invincible remember?" She scoffed and grabbed the car keys.

"I'm going to get the only thing you requested, don't destroy the house"

"No promises!"

"of course" and like  that she shut the door behind her.

I stretched my back and the short silence was interrupted by Eren "Do you still have feelings for him...? do you feel it but not know why?" I looked at him and dropped my arms to my sides.

"...Well.... I always feel something when I'm near him, even in the same room to be honest... but I don't feel attracted or anything" I shrugged and walked into the living room, sitting on the couch as he joined me, putting his head on my shoulder as he always does.

He buried his head in my shoulder and mumbled "good" against it, wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me in a way that made me feel safe. I looked at his dark brown hair, leaning my own head on his and breathing in the naturally clean smell.

He only acted this way when Mikasa was gone, I felt like she knew what he was thinking all the time... "Hey... Eren?" He nodded slightly

"What are you thinking?" I didn't expect an answer, I expected exactly what he did next, shrugged and snuggled up against me.

Maybe I will never know

Maybe I already do...

Broken Memories (SNK fanfiction) Levi x OCWhere stories live. Discover now