Chapter Twenty Six

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AN: I have been asked to add in Sting and Rogue or Cherria (Sherria – however you spell it. I'll look it up later) to the story so that Wendy will have company. Its not going to happen. Bringing in Wendy to the story early worked well because she is a Fairy Tail member. She was always going to end up being part of the guild.

Sting and Rogue are major players in Sabertooth. Before the time skip they are the same age however that doesn't change the fact that their guild has a huge redemption arc. Sabertooth is home to many mages and if I take away the twin dragons then I have to change the entire GMG arc and every other arc that they are part of. I'm not willing to that.

Doing that means I have to create new members of their guild to compete in the GMG and I hate writing OC's because I'll have to come up with their magic and personality. It changes too much and leaves too big gaps in the story.

Right now Cherria is even younger than Wendy so no I'm not gonna steal her from her cousin. We don't know anything about her past and I'm not really interested in bringing in more kids for Natsu and Lucy to deal with. Adding in more kids means more responsibility on the parents and that ends up writing yourself into a corner. As a parent your kid comes first not your adventure.

I'm not gonna make so many changes and make the plot shit because their focus is on their toddlers and not the war that they came back in time to fight.

Guest: You gave me an awesome idea for another arc later in the story.

Thanks so much for all the patience waiting for this chapter to come out. I expected to post this chapter ages ago but I couldn't get back into writing this story.

Chapter twenty six

Lucy watched everyone nervously. Ichiya explained that the Blue Pegasus guild had a flying ship named Christina. They were going to split up, find the enemy base and use the ship to bomb the base. It was a good plan justlike she remembered. A little extreme but she knew that the dark guild was capable off.

The ship carried a large amount of fire power however mages were capable of surviving explosions even though they were at the very center of those explosions. If the plan had worked, it was highly likely that they could have taken out at least four members of the dark guild. The rest of them would be able to take out the mages mostly due to the fact that they out-numbered them.

However Natsu was growling lowly and Wendy was picking up on her fathers distress. Since Natsu had taken Wendy fishing their relationship had grown in leaps and bounds. There was a closeness between the young girl and Natsu that hadn't been there before and it warmed Lucy's heart to see it. Wendy took many cues from her parents and she was sensing her father preparing to attack.

Jura noticed the tense atmosphere coming from the Fairy Tail members. He was one of the youngest members to be given the honor of being a wizard saint. Jura knew he was not the youngest person to reach the title but it was a major accomplishment. One that while he had a lot of pride in being able to accomplish he wasn't completely sure he deserved it.

Now Jura found himself able to work with not one but two other wizard saints. The name Siegrain Fernandes is still spoken with great respect within the magic council. Natsu Dragneel however was known for his sheer destructive power. He had seen some of the battle between the fire mage and Deliora and Jura honestly hoped to never be on the receiving end of that wrath.

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