Our Future, Her Past

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Malia POV

James starts to look around in the museum as him and Karma are having a conversation. I look at different arts and portrayals of Monsters inside the museum. There were lots of historical facts and references about werewolves and vampires. The world had knew we existed and it became catastrophic. A war had happened that went into the history books. Half of the world had been destroyed by the dragons. A man named Jal Morozov became the dragon lord, and acted as God. I continue to read about the events of the war as the ending of the story is horrific. It makes sense why everything is the way is now.

I walk back towards James and Karma as I finish looking at the history of this future. James stands still as he looks at a statue. My eyes follow his gaze as the statue... the statue was him. "A true alpha, a dragon slayer, and a loving father." The memorial stated as James was looking directly into his own face. The future James had a nicely trimmed beard with dreads that reached his waist. "You were so strong that you didn't have to transform into a werewolf to stop your enemies." Karma says looking at the statue than at James. "They feared you." She continues as James takes a deep breath before turning his attention to me.

The museum had various exhibits about the monsters of the world. But this exhibit had everything about James. All of his battles, his transformations, and his friends. I look at my name as I get eager wanting to know what happens to me. "Malia Madison Thomas dies in Armageddon, cause of death burnt alive by Jal Morozov." I say a loud as the museum had no information on me. "What the fuck is this? The only person in this damn museum that's getting any glory out of this is you." I say to James as he sighs to himself. "And who is this Jal Morozov guy?" I asked Karma as she has this traumatic look in her eyes.

"He was the worst. After the vampires destroyed the world by merging the realms together, he made his appearance known. Morozov and four other dragons went around the world raining fired out of the sky. It was horrible. Millions died. Father... you dad were so strong that you defeated the four dragons by yourself. Drogan would battle Morozov but was clearly outmatched as he had the dragon's crown. But You and your best friend Drogan managed to stop him... but at a cost. He killed Malia... then Aunt Daiya lost control and charged at Morozov head on. But he aligned himself with a vampire named Cosmo. He had this sword... the one I use now. It's power comes from the dragons as it's made out of dragon bone. He used it to kill my father and Ava with one instant slice. Causing Drogan to turn into a dragon in a fit of rage. He killed the remaining vampires on the battlefield before Cosmo pierced his chest as well." Karma says as she tells the story of what I had read earlier.

"Isn't Cosmo the one who sent us here?" I ask James as he nods his head. "What? Cosmo isn't suppose to face you guys until 2040. Thats how the war of the monsters begin." Karma says as we hear footsteps approaching. We all turn are heads to look at who had entered the room as we see... Alx. She looked older and more worn out. She had light black hair now that was turning gray. "Karma. What are you doing here. You know it's dangerous to be..." She speaks before stopping in her words to look at all of us. Tears fall from her eyes as she blinks multiple times as if she's trying to process what's going on.

"Aunt Alx... I'm sorry. I was hunting for food and James and Malia came from out of no where." Karma walks up to her as she looks at us studying our faces. "So this is our future." James says as he looks at me before sitting down. Alx walks towards us as she stares directly at James. "Your from 2021 aren't you." She asks James as he looks at her with curiosity. "Did we win?" He asks Alx as she shakes her head no. She sits next to him as she looked old enough to be his mom. "You all died. Fighting a war with the vampires and dragons. You told me... that what ever happened don't look back. So I didn't. I took Karmanonity to a underground vault that the vampires abandoned. The other countries dropped Nukes and bombed America. Killing every remaining person that was on that battlefield, and every human that was around." Alx says as James shakes his head in disbelief.

"How old are you?" James asks Karma as she clears her throat. "I'm 23." She says as we both look at each other. "She's around our age. Meaning she was 19 when this happened." I tell James as he looks at his statue again. "I know Malia." He stands up scratching his head as I can tell the news is so much for him to take in. "Are we suppose to know this? Wouldn't this affect timelines?" I asked Alx as she shakes her head no. "The timeline was already affected soon as you came here. What you know now won't hurt the past because the past has already happened." She tells me as James paces back and forth. "Fuck that. Let's ask the real question here. Who is your mother?" James asked as he looks at Alx .

"How many of us have you slept with." I mumbled to myself in disgust as James turns his head to look at me. "You were a accident. I was drunk." He tells me as I flick him off. "Well at least Daiya knows how to go down on me better than you." I clap back as he looks at me surprised as we both have a stand off. "Shes right. I'm so disappointed I ever allowed myself to fall for you." Alx says as we turn are attention to her. "Wait. Alx loves me?" James asked her as she rolled her eyes. "Of course she does... it might've meant nothing to you James. But that night was special for us." Alx said as James rubbed his hand in his face. "Well I guess that's the big elephant in the room. You never told me you had sex with my dad." Karma says. "It was none of your business."Alx stated as the two begin to go back and forth. Me and James start to argue about our past as well.

"Wait wait wait! Everybody shut the fuck up. Shit." James says as he takes a deep breath. We all look at him as he starts to think. "I don't have a mother." Karma tells James as he puts his finger on his lip signaling her to shut up. He studies her face and her appearance as his eyes grow wide. "I'm 21... your 23... this is 2044... meaning... who ever your mother is right now she's pregnant." James says as my mind immediately thinks about Ava. "Your mother is Ava?" I asked Karma as she chuckles a small laugh. "What? No. Wait... dad slept with Ava." Karma says as her face shows disgust. "No you idiot. It was Mia." Alx blurts out as I start to feel insulted before James falls on the ground on his knees.

We all stare at him as he shakes his head in disbelief.

"Mia." He mumbles.

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