The Shark Man

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Act 4, As Above so Below

James POV

I push the Mermaid away from me as something tackled me hard on my back, pressing my head into the sand. "What have I told you about talking to the land walkers." He said to her as his hand felt like it weighted over a thousand pounds. He squeezed my head harder as I took both my hands and grabbed his arm. I pushed his weight and grip off of me as I was able to get his arm off of my face. The beast looked like a shark but it was built like a man. His body was big and bulky like the hulk as he had hands and feet like humans. But his face was nothing but a shark as his gills on his neck breathed out smoked. I could tell if I had been a regular man I would be dead right now. It started to pour down rain as he smiled showing his knife sized teeth.

"You thought I was dead." I told him as he stood still before back handing the mermaid as she held her jaw. "What happens today. Is all on you." He said looking at her as she looked back at him with fear. "Focus on me. Shark bitch." I told him as I ran towards him as he stood still. I tried to transform but my body wasn't doing it. The moment I realize i couldn't transform was too late I had got kicked hard in the chest. I flew back so hard hitting a boulder as I dislocated my shoulder. Fuck. This is where sitting around moping for the past two years is going to be the death of me. "Your weak." He told me as I popped my shoulder back in place. He was right. In this condition I'm not as strong as I used to be. I was out of breath too. I had become fat so my body had got lazy on me.

I closed my eyes focusing on turning into a werewolf. I feel my bones trying to reconstruct but nothing happened. I concentrated really hard as my fingers extended watching my nails grow into claws. My vision burnt hot as everything was red. My eyes were glowing red. After all these years... I'm still an Alpha. My teeth emerged into wolf fangs as this was as far as I could manage. "This will have to do." I said to myself as he allowed me to transform. "I thought you could turn into a big wolf... apparently the legends are wrong." He said folding his arms as I looked at him with a serious face.

Everything was quiet except for the sound of the ocean and the winds whispering. We stared each other down before he finally ran forward to me. He swung punches at me as I grabbed his arm pushing him away from me. I was breathing hard as he noticed it. He punched me in my chest with the force of a shotgun blast. I flinch back as the attack caused me to cough up blood as I held my chest tightly. I staggered back as he grinned at me with his shark teeth. Blood trailing down my mouth as I wiped it off of my lip and chin. "He's a wereshark. You can't beat him." The Mermaid said as he looked her way. "Shut up Mia. I'll deal with you in a minute. Let me have my fun." He said as he walked back towards my direction. I run towards him as he grins showing his gigantic teeth as my fist slid across his face. He doubled back before looking at me and swinging a punch to my face but I blocked it.

He threw a punch to my stomach as the fat withstood the blow. I punched him in his face as he grabbed my arm and slammed me down hard on a rock. He opened his mouth as his teeth were enormous. He snapped down hard as I rolled out of the way. "Yo what the fuck!" I said as he turned his head looking at me smiling. "I'm going to eat you." He said as for the first time in my life. I'm actually kinda afraid. I ain't never heard nobody say some shit like that. I started to back up once I got up as he started gasping for air as the sun started to come back out and the rain stopped. The smoke from his gills started to catch on fire from the inside. "You can't breath without water huh." I told him as I charged at him as he looked at me desperately.

He swung wildly at my face once I had leaped in the air jumping on him. He scratched me deeply. I held my face as my right eye was hanging out my face. Everything was black in my right eye. I couldn't see as I watched him approach me from the corner of my left eye. Blood was pouring out of my cheek as I laid on my back screaming in agony. "Genesis stop!" The mermaid said transforming her fish tail into legs. She ran towards me stepping in between us. My eye wasn't healing as I groaned in pain as he pushed her aside. His gills igniting in flames as he grabbed me by my legs. This was it. He's going to eat me. The sun finally came out as it shined bright as he groaned in pain before tossing me with all his strength over the ocean.

I had went flying over the body of water as I was flinging through the air. I saw something swimming below me matching the pace I was going. I was high above the ocean before I crashed into the water. Something flew past me in the water before circling back and grabbing me. It was the mermaid she placed me on her back before swimming faster than the sound of light. We were on shore as I looked at her confused. I look around still not seeing anything in my right eye as I grabbed it as it was dangling. I try to put it back in my socket but it wasn't no good. The eye was dead. I snatched it out flinching a bit as I tossed it in the water.

"Move. I don't trust you." I told her as I stood up looking at my surroundings. We were on a island as everything was green and beautiful. "Hey. I saved your pathetic ass." She told me as I stared at her before walking up to her. "You should've just let me drown." I growled at her. "I couldn't." She said her voicing sound disappointed. She looked sad. "You put up a good fight." She said as she looked at me. "No. That was sad. I got my ass beat. Look at me." I said pointing at me face as she looked disgusted. "It could've been worse." She said as I looked at her with a straight face. "It is about to get worse." We both turned our head to see... a cheetah. But she was a woman, but her body was covered in fur of a cheetahs. "Nice pelt." I told her as I moved the mermaid behind me. "I'm going to make a pelt out of you." She said before sounding off a growling pur.

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