Lover Adored - Chapter 2

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Ahgony woke up nervous and tired. Mariah hadn’t left until they had heard the party die down and everyone went to their rooms.

He hadn’t told Mariah about his plans to talk to Rhage because he simply didn’t know how the male would react.

And that didn’t sit well with him. Fuck, it was killing him. They had told each other everything since… forever. They had just clicked. Best friends that were meant to be.

He had heard the endless stories about how Rhage and Mary had brought her home from Safe Place. They didn’t have much of a back ground story other than she was a half human, and only knew this because of the clothes she had been wearing when some civilians had found her in the middle of nowhere. Seeing that the clothes she wore had symbols in the old language, they had taken the toddler to Safe Place instead of a human hospital. After searching and searching, Marissa couldn’t locate any family, and knowing how much Rhage and Mary wanted a young of their own, she had called them and that same night, they had brought her home to the mansion. They had never hidden the fact that she was adopted, not that they could have. Not when Hollywood was blonde, Mary dark haired and Mariah a beautiful different blonde…

Since he could remember, they had been friends, and with her being just a few years older, she was always looking out for him, as the skawny pretrans he had been.

And then her transition had hit.

She had gone through it before him, and he had been completely in awe with her.

Her big green eyes were a contrast with her bright hair, even brighter than Rhage´s. And Ahgony loved it.

He knew he’d wanted her – had claimed her as soon as he had seen her fully transitioned, but as a pretrans, his body had not been with the program.

Then his transition had hit.

And damn.

The first thing he remembered thinking was ‘Mariah. Mine.’ Right after that it was “I need chocolate. And Bacon. And sex.”

The Chosen he had fed off had been more than willing, but hell no. Mariah would be his first and only. He knew that back then, just as he knew that right now still.

For him, she was it.

Now he just needed Rhage to see it.

Which would be fucking difficult because of his Ahstrux Nohtrum position.

Maybe he should talk to Mary first. As the in-house psychologist, she’d be able to help him break the news to her hellren, and maybe convince him.

But it would be a cowardly thing to do. And he was anything but a coward. He needed to settle this male to male.

Rhage was a great guy. So, as long as he was straightforward and honest…

Ahgony already knew what he wanted to say so all he had to do was find the brother and spill his guts.

He could do that.


He took a long shower to get Mariah’s scent off him.

Knowing Hollywood he was probably in the kitchen getting something to eat, even after all the food that had been devoured at the party.

Aaaaaand yup, there he was, making himself two triple turkey sandwiches.

- Sup Aggie?

Hollywood insisted on calling him that, like his parents had done when he was like, two. But that was Rhage.

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