Chapter 10

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There was once, I fell for this guy

When I stared into his eyes, I knew he would never lie.

But then, on one unfateful day,

He took my trust away.

I thought back to those ice-blue eyes,

The sorrow evident in them, that night.

Nothing could make me forgive him,

Because, he commited the biggest sin.

Now, he wants me back again,

But I told him this was the end.

Once a heart is broken, it cannot be replaced.

Because he would never find the one he misplaced.

-- I wrote this with my friend cus' we were bored. Fits the situation eh?

❤ Blake's POV ❤

"Good mor-"

I stopped talking, facing a blonde stranger who was stark-naked. "Who the hell are you?" I hissed as I moved back a few steps, grabbing a pillow as a form of covering. The blonde girl that was turning out to be more like a slut purred, and sighed dreamily.

"Don't you remember who I am? You took me home last night and we-"

I clamped my hands over her mouth to stop her from finishing her horrible sentence. "Shut up, please," I groaned, trying to recall last night. I knew that I had a shot of vodka, or was it two, and that was it. Scrutinizing the girl's face, I tried to remember what the hell had happened, yet again, failed. I could only remember seeing Em last night...

"You kept mumbling about this girl, Em. Who's she? Your sister?" The girl pestered me, and I narrowed my already-squinted eyes at her. Did I talk to this girl, or something? It seemed weird..."You must be worried about you sister to keep mumbling her name? Is she like eight?" The girl went on and on, not noticing the fury evident on my face.

Then, realization dawned on me. I remembered seeing Em last night, but it was just a trick my eyes had played on me during my drunken stupor. This must've been the girl that I assumed was Em, therefore landing me in this problem. Now that I thought of it, the girl had hair the same colour as Em's, yet she still couldn't hold a candle to her. The girl's face was rounder, her lips were in a constant pout that immediately put me off, and her eyes were a dull blue in comparison to Em's brilliant green orbs.

That girl, whatever her name was, was still talking to me, as if I was paying attention - I wasn't. I grabbed my clothes and quickly pulled them on, before grabbing my wallet from the side table, standing up. "Bye, Jane," I rolled my eyes at the girl who I'd decided to call Jane, and walked towards the door, but not before tossing a fifty-dollar bill at her, resulting in cries of fury.

"You are a hooker, right?"

I smirked as I left the room. Take that, slut.

❤ Em's POV ❤

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