CH.10 : Want You To Want Me

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Girl, you're the one I want to want me
And if you want me girl you got me
There's nothing I no I wouldn't do (I wouldn't do)
Just to get up next to you
Girl, you're the one I want to want me
And if you want me girl you got me
There's nothing I no I wouldn't do (I wouldn't do)
Just to get up next to you
Just to get up next to you

_Jason Derulo

Allison's POV

I touched myself, just letting my fingertips play on my skin. I touched myself because I missed being touched. I refused to sleep with Josh, told him I wasn't well, that I was PMS-ing and I needed to rest. I'd closed my eyes and pretended to sleep and listened to his steady breaths as he drifted off in his sleep. I hadn't slept with Josh for a while now, I didn't feel like it. But I craved for Taylor, I craved for her so bad it actually hurt. I wanted her to touch me, she hadn't. Everytime that we were alone, I longed for her to kiss me but she didn't. I assumed that maybe she'd got tired of me but it seemed as if she wasn't. Taylor was now different. Less women came inside the house, infact I hadn't seen any woman coming inside the house since the party. Taylor payed more attention to me but not in a sexual way but rather in a romantic way. She would make dinner if Josh wasn't around and we would talk about silly things whilst eating. She would order movies, make popcorn and we would sit around watching till we both fell asleep. Taylor didn't seem to be wanting anything more than that and I was confused.

I was confused and horny, almost thinking of allowing Josh to sleep with me tonight when he gets back from work. I stripped myself bare and lay down on the bed, I continued to touch myself. Nothing much but just feeling my fingers on my skin, trailing them everywhere but not really using them to do anything naughty. As much as I was horny, I didn't want to fuck myself, I wanted Taylor to do it. But Taylor seemed to be avoiding that, I wondered why. Could it be that I did or say something wrong? Was she mad at me? I didn't know, not knowing was the hardest part.

I lay there, hoping for a miracle. Hoping that Taylor could just come in and fuck me, hoping she was missing me. I hoped but nothing happened, instead the hours ticked, Josh still not home; and me still trying not to fuck myself. I thought about sex with Taylor, I thought about it and I instantly got wetter. I thought about it and the urge to just slide my fingers inside my vagina increased. I was about to, really was about to do it when I was taken out of my trance by a very gentle knock on the door. It couldn't be Josh, because well he never knocks when he enters our bedroom, so it had to be Taylor...only her.

I withdrew my fingers from my core and lightly stood up from the bed. I approached the door and lay my forehead against it, deciding to ask who was knocking even though I clearly knew.

"It's me Chase," she replied a little quiet, unlike her usual self. I wanted to open the door but I didn't, I felt like teasing her.

"Who is it," my voice sounded husky and somehow needy. I didn't trust it anymore, it was giving away my desires.

I heard her sigh from behind the door then say, "It's Taylor...just open please." so I opened it, wearing nothing but skin and watched her jaw drop to the floor and her brown eyes darken with lust.

"What do you want Taylor?," I questioned smugly. She murmured some words underneath her breath, nothing I could hear and her eyes travelled up my body then landed in mine.

With some confidence in her voice she replied, "Josh called, he said he can't make it tonight...something work related I guess."

"Okay," was all I said, as if Taylor's presence wasn't making my knees weak. As if standing naked in front of her wasn't having an effect on me. She whispered an okay then turned her back against me to leave. I wanted to call her back but then stopped myself, maybe she didn't want me but I wanted her. I wanted her to want me, she seemed to want me but something is clearly pulling her back.

I couldn't let her go, I was so horny and I wanted her so bad. I made a decision, I decided to follow her up to her room. I decided to show her that I needed her, that I couldn't bare this no sex thing. I wanted her touch and I was going to get it. I closed my bedroom door and headed down the hallway to hers. I didn't knock when I arrived, I just pushed the door open and luckily enough it was open. Taylor was there, ontop of her bed touching herself too. She looked at me startled at first then she composed herself.

"What are you doing here Ally?"

"I want you Taylor," I whispered approaching her on the bed, "Why are you denying me? Why are you hurting me?"

She looked at me quietly for a few seconds, "I'm sorry I just...I don't want you to think that I use you for sex."

"I know that."


I cut her short, "Fuck me...please."

I got ontop of the bed and straddled her. Her breathing increased speed and I smirked.

"Will you...Chase?"

She stuttered, "Y-yeah"

And my lips collided with hers, I melted into her touch. Finally about to get what I so deeply craved.

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