CH.05 : Bad At Love

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I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe that I'm in too deep
And jealousy, jealousy, jealousy, jealousy get the best in me

ook, I don't mean to frustrate, but I
Always make the same mistakes, yeah
Always make the same mistakes 'cause
I'm bad at love (Ooh-ooh)


Taylor's POV

I gently shook her awake, she'd been sleeping for so many hours and the plane was already landing. She murmured some muffled words and shifted in her seat. I shook her for the second time and she opened her left eye.

"What?," she asked groggily. I smiled at her regardless of the sour expression on her face.

"We're landing, you've been sleeping for so long I was getting worried."

"I'm okay," her voice was a little hoarse, and her beautiful forest green eyes were seemingly looking tired. She opened both her eyes and sat up straight.

"I would like to know your name since you already know mine."

"My name doesn't matter," she said dryly. I let out a very heartfelt laugh.

"You're very grumpy when you wake up."

"So leave me alone then," she spoke in a frustrated manner. I took it as a sign for me to shut up. The plane landed, we didn't speak; I truly wanted to know her name. I don't know for what reason because I never really care about my one night stands names but this situation was different. I fucked her twice and I still want to fuck her so I atleast have to know her name.

"What's upsetting you?," I took a different route, hoping she would speak to me.

"I'm different Chase, I don't know how or why I keep letting you do things to me but I'm engaged for heavens sake. I'm engaged to a man that I wholeheartedly love and he adores me too. I'm not, I - I'm not..."

"Into women and stuff like that," I finished for her and she nodded her head carefully.

"It's cool. I understand," I smiled reassuringly, "We won't ever meet again anyways right."

"Yeah...," was all she said. The plane landed and finally came to a stop. I immediately stood up when it was time to leave, taking my duffle bag and going out. The beautiful air hostess stopped me for a few seconds, giving me her number and telling me that she would be expecting my call. Atleast someone wanted me.

After doing all the damn tiring airport procedures, I headed out. When I was about to flag a taxi, I heard a familiar voice calling me. Turning around and confused as to what the source of the voice was doing at the airport, I was rewarded by a slap in the face; not physically. What I saw caused me to want to scream so loud but at the same time laugh at the odds of it all. I saw my brother Josh with the one person I considered not seeing ever again. I stood there frozen as Josh took faster strides towards me compared to the way my one night stand was walking.

"Chase!," he gave me a bro hug and chuckled lightly, "I thought you weren't coming till like next week."

"I wasn't," I simply said. Josh raised an eyebrow and gave me a toothy grin.

"Then what?, did you find a girl that lives this side?"

I laughed, "Well I just scored a hot air hostess mind you, so coming this early kinda gave me game."

Josh and I both laughed.

"And I'm still here," my one night stand said nervously, it seemed as if Josh had forgotten about her, very typical of him.

"I'm sorry," Josh said sounding apologetic enough, "Allison, this is my young sister Taylor but everyone calls her Chase; Chase, this is fiancée."

"I know her," I smirked. Allison gave me a look that screamed 'don't you fuckin dare'. I almost laughed but I kept my cool.

"Don't tell me she's one of your exes," Josh joked, we both laughed except for Allison.

"She sat beside me on the plane, I didn't do anything stupid cause she's grumpy as fuck and definitely not my type," I explained, watching Allison's reaction. I saw a flash of anger cross her features.

"She wouldn't have given you a chance even if she was your type," Josh smiled looking at Allison affectionately. I couldn't bare it somehow so I cleared my throat.

"We should go," I voiced out, "I'm tired plus I'm pretty sure Allison is too, adding to the fact that she hasn't ate anything since getting on the flight."

"Why?," Josh asked Allison seemingly concerned.

"No important reason, I just didn't feel like eating," Allison replied, smiling so delicately.

Josh gave her a look then said we should probably go. We headed to his car. Allison seemed to be a little fine by now, her hand was settled with Josh's whilst Josh was talking with me. Frankly, I wasn't listening to most of the stuff Josh was talking about. My mind was occupied by Allison, I FUCKED MY BROTHER'S FIANCÉE, TWICE! and somehow I found it funny, I didn't feel that much guilty, I felt good and I wanted more. I wanted Allison and I didn't care about my brother, I didn't care that she was gonna get married in a month or so. I loved it, I loved the fact that this shit was risky, I loved the fact that I make her cum a lot and I love the way she kisses me and the way she moans and I want that; regardless of the fact that she's my brother's wife to be.

Allison sat at the passenger's seat and Josh took the drivers whilst I sat at the back. I put on my headphones as soon as Josh started talking with Allison. They both looked like two love struck puppies and it made me sick to the stomach. I randomly played a song on my playlist, Halsey's song Bad at love came on as if on a mission to taunt me. I listened to it, the lyrics spoke a lot, like really...a lot. When the pre-chorus started, I couldn't help but relate it to my current situation. I fell in too deep with Allison, she's everything I've been thinking about for the past two days, I'm set out on sleeping with her more, I don't care that she was a one night stand; I'm breaking all the rules for her. And to top it up I'm jealous, Chase is jealous. I can't stand the thought that Josh has touched her, kissed her and done more than just that. I can't stand them playing all lovey dovey in front of me, I'm jealous and I'm not hiding it anymore. It's crazy, it's something new to me because I've never been this into someone, I'm not good at love, I've never been so it surprises me.

I closed my eyes like I always do when I listen to music and let it take control. I remembered I had the air hostesses number, I'll text her when I get home, for now I just needed to take a nap and get away from thoughts of Allison.

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