Chapter 17: Shawn IV

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Chapter 17 Mistaken Identity

I don't get rattled easy, part of maintaining balance in one's life was to control fear. That went out the window as Charlie and I arrived upstairs with his power acting as an escalator. We arrived to see Shawn killing one of the angels, but Lisa was fighting herself. There were two of them fighting with karate.

"I can't tell which one is which," Charlie said his head moving with their actions. He helped Shawn up. I noticed Shawn looked shocked up. His breathing was fast and tears were coming from his eyes. He wasn't a warrior. Not trained to fight like Anubis. I mean Charlie. I found myself wishing we were not here, because the pain in his face, the sorrow he choked up made me mad.

I thought about a saying I heard. One about there are three types of people. Sheep, sheepdogs, and wolves. Shawn was a sheep. I was a sheepdog. I was born to protect the sheep. I believed that and that is one of the many reasons I studied Aikido. To gain control over my anger, to push myself physically, and to protect those who can't protect themselves.

"I'm going to help her," I said, but then something else caught my eye. Another Charlier appeared with Imhotep and Jasmine. They ran over to us.

"What's going on?" Jasmine ask.

Shawn told us how they found no exits, but that each side of the house was dedicated to a uniform group. That the sides had spiritual markings and only those with the color jumpsuit of the markings can go through the doors of their side. That they were ambushed by a crazy angel and the other female angel started fighting Lisa.

"Well, she is holding her own," Imhotep said impressed with her fighting style.

The two of them stopped and looked at us. Then back at each other.

"I'm the real one!" Charlie yelled. Everyone looked at him. He shrugged as he looked back at us and them. "That is what one of them is getting ready to say, followed by the other saying that "no, she is the real one."

The Lisa nearest the wall rolled her eyes. "Of course you would make light of this."

"Don't act like you know him." The one by the banister said. They both drew their bows and arrows of pink light notched as they the strings. A standoff between two archers.

I calmed my anger down and tried to focus on figuring out who was the real one. If Charlie couldn't pick them out, we were in trouble.

"Put your bow down!" the banister one yelled."

"You put yours down!" the wall one yelled back.

"There's got to be a way to tell who's who," Jasmine said. "Shawn?"

Shawn couldn't get himself together. Still breathing hard. I felt like a failure, but I had to get over it. I had to protect Lisa now, from herself. Literally. I had gotten to know her the last few days and I felt we had a lot in common. I knew about her martial art training. We liked the same movies. She wasn't Asian, which is what I was attracted to, but Jasmine told Shawn that dating within the ministry isn't good for those in leadership positions. I wasn't sure if she liked me either, she seemed to get along with Charlie too.

I started walking up to the two and before I knew it, I was standing in the middle of their standoff.

"Bruce get out the way!" The banister one said on my right."

"Bruce, stop being a hero." the wall one said standing to my left."

"Both of you stop yelling," I said. I looked at both of them trying to figure out something. "Three of your five friends have been killed. You won't be able to kill the rest of us." I said trying to reason with the intruder. They both stared at me, not saying a word at first.

"She isn't going to say anything, move out the way!" the right one said.

"Do as she says," The left one said.

I pulled my sword out of nowhere and position the blade to my chest. Everyone gasped and started to ask what am I doing. I looked at both women and thought about the Solomon story of two mothers. How he was going to split the baby in half. One woman agreed the other didn't' and rather the baby go with the other mother. That woman earned the right to be the mother.

I was hoping the situation would be the same. If the angel wanted me dead, she would let me commit suicide. It helps her take down our numbers. "This is the only way. I did you wrong." I lied. Neither of them made a move. I turned my blade and went to attack the banister one. She moved out the way and then a flash of pain came from my back. An arrow went through my chest. I turned to see Charlie's dagger impaled the other Lisa's head to the wall. Followed by an arrow that exploded on contact. That Lisa burst in light.

Shawn raced over and wrote the word heal and my wounds started to close up. Lisa came to my side and held me in her arms.

"That was stupid!"

"I knew you wouldn't hurt me. The imposter had to take a chance to kill one of us."

"Still stupid," she said crying and I saw everyone else subsided both Charlies's were holding back tears.

"Besides, now we know more about our situation," I said.

Charlie helped me up. "We sure do."

Shawn nodded his head. Jasmine looked back at the stairwells. "We're in a death game. A game of survival."

"Angels vs fallen angels and humans."

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