Chapter 5: Charlie

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Chapter 5 Charlie

Lilith crept by us, studying our bodies while we were petrified by her power. I figured out how she did it. When she used her power a halo appeared and the last time I saw her, the night she claimed to save us, she had a dark green halo. I remembered a buzzing in my head before falling asleep. I've seen that done in many books, but mostly by users of magnetic manipulation. She was manipulating the iron in our blood to make us paralyzed. The other night she used it to make us sleep. I didn't understand that part, but I knew she was manipulating iron and whatever other metals were in our body.

I was trying to be like Bruce and put on a brave front, but inside I was freaking out. Shawn summoned his own power which allowed him to imprint words on objects and manifests the properties of the word. He had to use his staff though. I also remembered the other night that his staff could break into three sections with one ending with a spear. His halo was a bright aqua blue, which he still managed to hold despite Lilith hold. I couldn't see Lisa or Jasmine, but I imagine Jasmine was being defiant and Lisa would be trying, but I knew she would be as scared as I was. Then Lilith stood before me.

"How did you figure out my power? I mean it could have been anything. Telepathy, Sleep control, Mind control."

I looked at her and forced a weak smile to my face. "If it was any of those, I believe the effect would be faster, we wouldn't see it coming. Your method takes time, a short amount of time, but still enough to feel the initial shock of it."

"Hmmm. I like it. Very observant."

"I would like you more if you free my friends and me"

"I'm sure you would." She said as she walked toward Shawn. He didn't look panic anymore. I imagine that he was putting all of his focus into maintaining his weapon, halo, and power. They were all connected and if anyone would have figured it out, it would have been him. To me, I thought he was the smartest. If we were all considered experts then Jasmine's expertise was law, Bruce would be technology, Lisa would be in psychology. Me? Communications and Shawn would be archeology. However, Shawn was in a bunch of academic committees and almost had a full ride. He was the investigator of all of us, while I was just essentially a spy. I guess that would be the difference between us. If anyone would have figured out her power, other than myself, it would have been him or maybe Bruce.

Lilith stalked up to him and smiled, looking like a creepy doll. She was taller than all of us, like a runaway model. She was skinny, pale white like the demons, with big curves in the right places. An exaggerated barbie doll appearance I guess you could say. With long raven black hair. Her eyes had been golden. She wore a black robe with red trim. The dark green halo above her saturated her to be just as bright as Shawn.

"How is it that you are able to use your halo?"

Shawn's expressions from my perspective were one that looks like he was making a choice. To focus on his halo or answer her question.


"Oh, so if I," she pulled a sword from out of nowhere. A rapier sword that they used in fencing, but with a hilt that glowed green. She pointed the tip near his throat. "Distracted you then you would lose it?"

Almost on cue, Shawn's staff and halo disappeared. He looked scared but mostly ashamed. Just like he did earlier when we were all naked. I knew he didn't feel comfortable and I was sort of mad at Jasmine too. She had told him he wasn't taking care of his temple that God has given him. I'm sure she meant well, but being blunt and rude are two different things, and to me, she was rude in telling him that. She basically said to him, "you're fat and need to lose weight, or else God won't love you." Worst, I knew he had a crush on her and I know that line affected him, even if he didn't say it. I was new to the group this year but found my place as the jokester which made me seem extraverted to everyone, but I was using that to hide my own insecurities. I just wanted to once, feel like I belonged, so I don't argue much and try to make things light. That's how Bruce, Shawn, and I grew close over the week. If there was anything I was good at, it was observing people and their actions, so right now I felt guilty because I knew Shaw felt like a failure.

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