Chapter 27:Bruce Part VI

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Chapter 27 Bruce Part VI Wild Ride

Wherever I was it was dark. There was no heat or cold. Not even a sound. The only thing illuminated was myself. A moon appeared and kept approaching me. I started running but realized I wasn't moving. The moon started shrinking as it moved closer to me. The moon scooped me up and circled around before disappearing.

"You mad yet?" a high-pitched voice yelled.

"Who are you?"

The moon appeared beneath again and circled around faster this time. When it stopped four moons appeared around me. Each with the face of my friends. The voice started whispering around me.

"Do you want to protect your friends? Lillith is about to enter the room and experiment on them. You know who she is going to start with, don't you? Lisa. Lisa blew up two of her Nephilims. The one who cancels powers and the one who made the suits you are wearing."

"What do you want from me?" I started to get angry.

"Why, I want you to save them. After all, my friends and I imprinted on you before we died. We didn't think we would die, but we knew the chances were slim. Possessing babies is almost unheard of. If I'm remembering correctly, it's actually never been heard off."

"Khonshu?" I sneered, my voice looking for him.

A thin man who looked like me appeared under the four moons. He wore an Egyptian kilt, golden ankle bracelets with matching wrist ones. His headdress had a crescent moon on top. The only difference I could see between our faces was that he had bird-like eyes.

"Finally, you acknowledge me. I started to think only Jasmine and Shawn would be the only ones to make contact with their memories."

I kept myself from jumping off the moon ball and punching him. "What do you mean?"

"You and your friends are right about us possessing you. We did When you were babies. We died in the process, but our memories, powers, and skills imprinted on you. In fact, as I stated earlier, I no longer exist. I'm a memory inside of you, a part of your subconsciousness. The source of what makes you a Judge," he paused. "Well, You were already a Judge, which may also explain our deaths. My memories are yours. You can't access them though, which is why you only have muscle memory. The visions you see are my memories."

"Alright, so now what? I can access your memories now?" My patience kept growing shorter as I thought about his warning. Lillith is going to experiment with Lisa first. I was stuck here in what I can only guess is my mind.

"You need to stop and relax. You could learn from Charlie." he summoned the moon with Charlie's face on it, sat, and the moon-like ball circled around me before coming to a stop in front of me. "My power does more than summon cosmic energy from the moon, you know? Have you heard of the Moon Arcana?"

"From the tarot cards? Yes."

"It symbolizes dreams, I can manipulate them. Right now, if you want to save your friends, save Lisa, we have to bond. You have to accept the flame, me, the ax, and the lunar powers. YOu have to forgive yourself or she is going to die. She doesn't intend to keep any of you alive. You all know that that's why you all are scared."

I rose up from my sphere and punched him in the face. He didn't' flinch and the punch had no effect on him. He started laughing.

"That's what I thought."

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