Chapter 6: Jasmine

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Chapter 6: Jasmine

I opened my eyes in fright and I looked around. Taking in my surroundings. Remembering that Lilith had paralyzed us and made us pass out. Bruce and Charlie were already up while Lisa and Shawn were starting to stir. We were all wearing white full-body jumpsuits complete with boots.

"How long have you two been up?" I asked.rubbing my head.

"Not long, two minutes," Bruce said.

"Yeah, about the same. Bruce was already on his feet when I came too." Charles went over to help Shawn up and Bruce helped Lisa. I looked at the entrance and noticed that another man was in there with us. The man from the alley. He was staring at us with hate. He was an older man about 60 years old. You couldn't tell it by his hair, which was still long, brown, and rich. He stood up as soon as Lisa was on her feet.

"I can't believe she put me in here with you," he said.

I was a little tired of this man and he was pushing my patience. When we helped him last night he was belligerent. Telling Shawn and me that he didn't want our help, not from our kind. Racism in 2019 still exists. Now that I knew he was an angel I thought it was because we were humans. Regardless his bigotry bothered me. If he was, in fact, an angel, shouldn't he be more benevolent?

"Will you stop yelling at us!" I said louder than my usual tone. He stopped to look at me and then at the guys. "

"So, she must be the one in charge, huh? Figures."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Lisa retorted, which was unlike her. She wasn't confrontational. I guess the stress must be getting to her. She was tough but looked to others to take care of her. I didn't understand it myself, but she was loyal and she was one of the few that came with me here. She didn't know how strong she was. Before I leave, I will help her learn that she is stronger than she gave herself credit for. All I wanted was to make sure she and the rest of my friends were ready for the next phase.

"It means a woman place, isn't here, but I forget you humans are more equal these days."

"Why did we help him again?" Lisa looked at me.

"Help me? Some help, we are now trapped with her." The angel said. "With Lilith. Now we're all dead."

I was still having a hard time believing we fought demons and that Lilith and this guy were angels. The only thing that was bothering me, was that if they were angels, why was he beaten by the demons. Why can't he fight back against Lillith and where was his help. God and the other angels should know he was here. Unless this was some kind of test. I wanted to ask him these questions, but I doubt he would answer them. For now, I have to assume that he is like us. I didn't believe we were Nephilims, I believed that God gave us what we needed when we needed it.

"You sound like you know her," Bruce said his voice was soft and gazing at the angel. He wore the same clothes as us and seemed to feel uncomfortable.

"I do. You see, she is a fallen angel. One who has evaded capture for some time."

"How is that possible, why wouldn't other angels be able to find her or you?" Shawn ask.

He looked at us with an inquisitive stare, shook his head, and spoke with an almost sad tone. "You don't know? You have no idea what you are, do you?"

"Lilith said we were Nephilim," I said.

"Artificial Nephilims, but that doesn't make sense either. My family has pictures of me actually being born." Charlie said.

"Only the Lord can see everything. Not angels. We go where he tells us. Like humans, we have the freedom to make decisions. We have more drastic consequences. It's one of the reasons why most angels fall, because of their jealousy of humans. The Lord forgive humans multiple times, but the moment angels go against him. We get kicked out."

Genesis: Rough Draft Edition (Angel Protocol, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now