He was right

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A/N: I know that 'Really don't care' by Demi Lovato is not two years old....but just go with it! I couldn't think of any other such song!

And yeah! The song in the sidebar- This by Ed Sheeran.



"Ashley!" Derek called from the bedroom.

"WHAT?!" Ashley yelled after pausing the movie for the umpteenth time.

After a long day of roaming around, swimming, eating and burying Derek into the sand, mermaid style and then laughing like crazy when he shrieked like a girl when a crab hung on to his swimming trunks and a starfish was sticking to his butt, we were back at the beach house. We had got some take-away and had just had it after which we decided to watch a movie.

"Baby please!"

Tyler and I looked at each other and started laughing loudly.

"Get out bitch! Lover boy sounds kinda desperate," I said and snickered.

"Hazel!" she shrieked and smacked my arm.

"Hazel!" I mocked in a high pitched voice and continued laughing. "But seriously just goooooo!" I said and pushed her off the couch. "Just don't be loud much though! You hurt my ears last night!" I said accusingly and started laughing again.

Ashley snorted and said, "Oh don't worry about that! You'd yourself be too loud that you won't be able to hear us!" She smirked and looked at the both of us slyly.

I immediately stopped laughing and sank into the couch with my head bowing. Tyler threw a cushion at her and started at her amusingly.

"Okay! Okay! I get it! That was my cue to get out of here!" She smirked and threw that cushion that she had caught, on me. "G'night Haze!" she winked at me and literally hopped away.

I cleared my throat once she was gone and sat up straight as I hit play on the remote.

Leave it to Ashley for turning any perfect situation into an awkward one.

I sneaked a glance or two at Tyler from the corner of my eyes and saw him staring at me with a smirk on.

Oh God! Why am I being so awkward??

We were sitting on the far ends of the couch and when Tyler started shifting closer to me, I stiffened. He kept coming closer till we were literally a few centimeters away and then leaned his head to come in level with my ear.

"Hazel," he whispered huskily making goosebumps rise on my skin.

Oh God! Oh God!

I gulped and mumbled, "Hmm?"

"Do you mind if I...." he trailed off and when he didn't continue after....one....two....three....four....five seconds, I turned to face him and asked in a low voice, "You what?"

He grinned goofily and said, "Tickle you?"

Before I could register what he had just said, his hands were on my sides, digging in and twitching, making me laugh uncontrollably. "Tyler!" He was laughing loudly too. "Tyler stop!" I yelled but kept laughing, meanwhile trying my best to push him away.

"Never!" he said and kept tickling me.

I was flaying my hands and pushing him away but he just would not budge!

After few more seconds of it, when my tummy started to hurt because of laughing too much, I whined again, "Dammit Tyler! Stop it!" I was lying on the couch and gasping for air.

He was rightWhere stories live. Discover now