I'm sexy and I know it!

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Hello and welcome to another edition of “The sucking life of suckers”!! I’m your host, Hazel Justice and today we, me and my crew member, Bambi, are gonna take you to Gagaland where happiness dies and dates turn into  disasters when suckers who don’t have anything better to do with their lives decide to crash their friends’ dates.

Guess, who’s pissed as hell?

Wow! You’re pretty good at this!

Guess, who am I so pissed at??

Boy! How are you so good at this?!

But hey, today Tyler is not the only one I’m pissed at! Just for a change, I’m pissed at Chase too!

Don’t ask!

Just don’t ask!

Well, okay, I’ll tell you!

Chase likes gangsta flicks!!

I know there’s nothing wrong with that but if we were gonna watch a movie together then at least he should have asked me before getting the tickets! I hate such action movies! I mean I’m all praises for superhero flicks with sexy as hell heroes. But this? Just hate it!  

Chase said that he had asked Derek and he had said that it was okay. Of course, it’d be okay for him. We all knew Ash and Derek would be doing anything but watching the movie! You get what I mean, right?

So here we were, getting to our seats in the movie hall. I saved a seat next to me for Chase but well, well….

“Move your ass away from this seat. It’s for Chase!” I glared at Tyler.

“I had already taken it!”

“Bitch please, you just walked here. A-f-t-e-r me !”

“No! I had already reserved this seat for me,” he said and heaved himself a little to yank a handkerchief from underneath his butt. “See? This is mine.” He smirked and waved it in the air.

I groaned and looked around for Chase. He was coming towards me but then just looked away out of irritation as he saw Tyler. Just then the movie began.

I got up to go to him but just as I did, a person with mess-with-me-and-I’ll-change-the-shape-of-your-face looks started yelling at me and speaking some really fancy words out loud.

Really? The movie had just begun, for God’s sake.

I dropped to my seat immediately and Tyler started laughing. I ignored him and looked back at a waiting Chase. I smiled apologetically and mouthed a quick ‘sorry’. He looked away and sat next to Derek. Well actually, I was not so sorry. I was pissed at him, remember?

STOP! DROP! ROLL! STOP! DROP! ROLL! I was yelling mentally at the bimbo who was currently on fire in the movie…..THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIIRE!! THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIIRREEEE!! SHE’S WALKING ON FIIRREE…Nice song! Nice song!

But of course she didn’t listen to me and as a result was reduced to over-cooked sheesh kebab! Sorry for the gag worthy imagery but it was getting harder by the minute for me to tackle all the freely flowing cheery Kool Aid, all that fighting and the corny sex scenes. And yes! How could we miss the explicit language!

Hmmm…..sheesh kebab!!

“I’m hungry!!” I whined and got up from my seat but then crouched a little lower to avoid being yelled at again. “Do you guys want anything?” I whispered.





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