Follow me, slave!

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A/N: Pic to the right- Ryan (Ryan Rottman)


I raised my hands with my palms up to cover myself. Huh, like that would have been enough to block the blow. My eyes were still shut and I was waiting for something to happen. Well, actually waiting for something sharp to pierce me. But just then....


My eyes snapped open and my jaw literally just fell to the ground I was sitting at on hearing that voice that belonged to Tyler.

Then out of nowhere everyone who, I thought, I had lost a second ago were surrounding us and laughing hysterically.

"You're hurt," Tyler said taking my hands in his. His voice sounded pained but I was too confused, or rather too shocked. What the hell was going on?

"That was so fun! She almost peed herself!" I heard Bree's annoying voice and what I realized, hit me....very hard.

They had all planned it. It was all a bloody prank!

Just then a tear strolled down my cheek but I wiped it right away with the back of my hand. They all had done it deliberately, just for fun! I had been scared as hell. I fucking thought that I had lost them. I fucking thought that I was gonna die! And this was fun? Making me go through all this- they enjoyed it?

I was beyond angry. I felt betrayed, betrayed by my best friends, Derek, Ashley and.....him! I looked with disbelief at all of them standing next to me and laughing. And then I looked at Tyler. He was holding my hands and looking intently at them. The moment I recalled that he was the one who did all this, I snatched my hands away from his, wincing as my skin rubbed against his. My hands were bleeding. There were a lot of scrapes some of which were very deep. That might have happened when I had fallen on my hands.

"Oh God!" Ashley said sobering herself, just as her eyes fell on my hands and on the gash on my right knee. Any hint of laughter was washed away from her face just as Derek and Tyler. "Hazel you-"

"Don't!" I said sternly and got up on my own. I winced again as I felt an acute pain in my knee and stumbled forward, right into Tyler. But I managed to balance my weight and pull myself away from him. He stretched out a hand towards me but I slapped it away gruffly. I started walking back to the camp site without giving a single look to any of them. I heard footsteps following me but I didn't bother to turn back.

Once I was in my tent the footsteps stopped. I turned around to face them.

"Hazel it was just a joke. Get over it. We're sorry," Derek said and shrugged.

"Get out!" I said silently.

"Hazel-" Ashley started but I cut her off.

"I SAID GET OUT!!" I shouted. "I don't wanna talk right now. Just get out," I said again. They both looked at each other and did what I'd asked them to do. They knew I had a bad temper and I just couldn't think right when I'd be angry. They knew I would not budge and listen to them till I calmed down and for that to happen they had to leave me. Good!

Ugh! Just a minute later Tyler came in with the camping first aid kit and said, "Show me your hand." He reached out for my hands but I stepped away. "Hazel what-"

"You did this. ALL OF THIS!" I shouted, pointing a finger at him.

"It was nothing serious. It was just a prank and guess what? You got punked!" he said in a cheery tone.

"You think it was fun? Everybody enjoyed it?" I bellowed. His smile wavered. "Well, great! You wanna crack jokes? You wanna play tricks? You wanna make people around you laugh? Then do it. But I won't allow that if you do it at my expense," I spat.

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