Immature? Me? Puh-leeze!

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A/N: So here's the second chapter. Hope you like it. This chapter is dedicated to @aasthaasharma, the first one to add this to her reading list and a great friend :)

Pic to the right- Chase (David Henrie)

Enjoy :)


"Norah Justice!" I shouted, rather irritated now, "Stop running around and please get dressed or you'll be late for Sadie's birthday party."

"No, I don't want to wear this," she said.

I was running around my house after my little four year old sister, trying to get her into the dress I was holding. She was so stubborn. But I loved her very much whatsoever. Mom was out for some urgent work and had asked me to get Norah ready and drop her at the Walters'. Finally, I caught hold of her and got her into the dress.

"You look so pretty," I said.

She grimaced and said, "But it's not pink."

I shook my head and sighed. She's so cute. Just like, no, no....I was a total tomboy when I was of her age. Pft!


I'd just got home when there was a sudden knock at the door. I opened the door and saw a really tensed Ashley. I could feel something was bothering her. We went to my room and she sank on the bean bag.

"Shoot!" I said.

" know my mom's dating, right?" she began. I nodded positively. "She's decided to get married," she said.

Ashley's mother, Caroline, had been dating her colleague, Adam, and as my mother and she were also best friends, I already knew that they were getting hitched. Ashley was very young when her father had left both of them.

"What's the problem then? You like Adam, don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, absolutely. He's a very decent man and I know how much my mom loves him. that they have decided to get married, I feel really.....confused? I mean, I know I'm being stupid, but what if they don't end up well." She sighed. "Mom has been through so much and I don't want anything to hurt her," she said.

"Oh, Ashley," I said and got up from my bed and hugged her. "So, you don't want her to get married? Is this what you want?" I asked.

"No, it's not that. I do want her to be happy and I know this very well that Adam is the one that makes her happy. She's been so different since the day she first met him. I can see that in her eyes. And right now she's on cloud nine," she said.

"Ash then, if this is what she wants and this is what you think is right for her, then, you should support her. She's always been there for you and now it's your turn to return her the same favor. Do you even realize how happy she'd be to know that you are there for her, you are with her on this?" I said.

See? I'm not always kiddish! I do act like adults when it's the demand of the situation. MOM, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS CALL ME IMMATURE? All I want to do now is curl up into a ball and cry my eyes out!!

I' sorry for that little outburst.

She looked at me after thinking about it for a while.

She smiled and said, "I think you're right. She deserves it and I know Adam won't disappoint."

I smiled back at her and we hugged again.

"Oh, and we need to go shopping tomorrow. There are only two weeks to go for the wedding," she said. Yay!! Shopping! Shopping! Shopping!

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