There goes my Sunday!

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A/N: Hey!! 800 reads! Whoa! Thanks a ton readers. Really. Each and every read means a lot to me. You all are my inspiration and your reads, comments and votes keep me motivated to write more, otherwise I'm just too lazy to continue with a story like this.

Pic to the right- Norah (Mia Talerico)

Enjoy! :)


"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I shouted in my coarse morning voice, tapping my alarm clock. "Ugh!" It fell down my bedside table. Great!

I stood up and put it back. Five minutes more wouldn't have done any bad, so I set the alarm again and went back to my cozy bed. I had done that a lot of times already, but I didn't care.

You see, sleeping would always be the first love of my life.

Wait! What time is it?

I checked the time.

12:19? Why didn't anybody wake me up? It was Sunday and Sunday was supposed to be our family day. We'd spend the whole day together. Me, Norah, mom and dad. We'd have breakfast, lunch and dinner together. We'd go out sometimes too and do other such family stuff and even play in the pool. But it was almost lunchtime, well almost, and no one had woken me up.

What's going on?

I got up from my bed and tying my hair into a messy bun, I trudged down the stairs to the living room. "Mom? Dad?....Norah?" I called out.

It was so quite. There was never this much silence in my house. Some commotion was always there. It wasn't feeling right. I started checking the rooms. Bedrooms, kitchen, pool- nothing, no one. Where is everyone? I walked to the backyard. "Norah?"

Were they kidnapped? Did the earth crack and swallowed them? Did they become a dinosaur's Sunday lunch?

Dinosaurs are extinct, jelly brain!!



"Yaaah!" Norah jumped out in front of me and started soaking me up with water from her water gun.

"Norah, stop!" I started laughing and running away from her. "Oh! Ah! I'm dying!" I said and we started laughing. She was still chasing me. But then the water in the gun was over and I stopped running.

"What happened, Norah?" I asked mockingly. "Water's over?" I started chuckling.

She made a face and started scowling. I was still teasing her when a jet of water hit me. The pressure was so high that I fell to the ground. And then what I heard totally put me off. I heard laughter- Tyler's laughter.

"What the fuck Tyler?" I shouted. He was still soaking me with water from the hose he was holding. "STOP IT!"

"Language, Hazel," he said and jerked his head in Norah's direction. They both were still laughing.

"Please, Tyler. Stop it!"

"Ah....alright....alright," he said in between laughs and threw the hose away. Thank God!

"Good job, Tyty!" Norah said.

Good job? Tyty?

They both did a high-five. Great! Now Norah's on his side too. I stood up and walked to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, Ashley and Derek are out on a day long date. Your dad's out for some work and your mom and Caroline are out for some shopping for the wedding."

He was rightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon