The gift hunt

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"A little to the left," I said.

"A liii...ttle more.....GOD! TYLER I SAID LITTLE!! Don't you get it?" I shouted. "You're good for nothing!"

We were in Ashley's backyard where the wedding ceremony was to take place the next day. I was in- charge of the decorations and Tyler was helping me with all the work- or maybe not!

But why was I doing all that?

Well that's a long story....but still you have to know it.

Once upon a time....a long long long time ago, well, eleven years to be precise, I made a commitment to Ashley and penned it down with a pink glitter pen on my Tinker Bell notepad.

'When I'd be seventeen, I'd be living with my Prince Charming and our pet pony, Crystal, in the Cinderella's castle.'

If you think that's stupid....well, then there's more....

'And if this won't happen, I'd do whatever Ashley would ask me to.''

And bam! After all these years, this stupid note emerged out of nowhere in front of Ashley and she decided to use this.

And now you know exactly why I'm doing all this today while she's away to a spa with Caroline.

That lucky bitch!!

She had put all her duties on me and now that I had to get all that done, I wanted everything to be perfect.

"That's better," I said after Tyler adjusted a floral sphere to the position I wanted it to be at. "Ummm....No, I think it looked better before. Just hang it where it was before."

Instead of doing what I'd asked him to do, he started looking at me intently. "What?" I asked.

"Hazel I've been up here for the last one hour. Can't you fix up your mind about where you want this damn ball to be?" he bellowed.

Firstly, he has done nothing correctly and secondly, HOW DARE HE SHOUT AT ME!

"You're the one who's messing everything. I'd have done so much in all this time. You're not getting what I mean at all," I answered back.

"Fine then. Why don't you do this yourself?" he said.

"Fine. Get down then and watch me," I said and motioned for him to get down the ladder. He climbed down and dropped to the ground, looking all tired.

"Stop acting like you were working at a coal mine and someone was forcing you," I said and shook my head.

"I don't know about the coal mine thing but the second part is definitely true."

"Excuse me," I heard someone speak behind me but raised my hand to silence whoever it was. Probably one of the house help guys.

"You were being forced to do that?" I asked looking at him questioningly and he shrugged.

"Right.....But if I'm not wrong," I folded my arms, "then weren't you the one who came up to me and said 'Um Hazel do you need any help? I can do that.'" I said imitating him and speaking in a deeper voice.

He started laughing and said, "You're funny."

Okay now I'm pissed.

"You think I've any time to joke around. Don't you know there's supposed to be a wedd-"

"Excuse me miss." I heaved my hand again to silence the guy.

"There's supposed to be a wedding here tomorrow and there's so less-"

He was rightWhere stories live. Discover now