The crash

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These four words were driving me insane! After what happened last night, I could not even think right! All night, I just lied in my bed for hours and sulked as my mood switched rapidly.  

Confusion, happiness, resentment, fear, skepticism and denial were making my stomach churn.

And trust me, that felt worse than the nausea I felt when I had drunk a year old smoothie which was lying in Derek’s room, once.

Confusion, as to why Tyler did that.

Then, just for a moment, happiness, as I felt that maybe he likes me.

Resentment, as I did not like him but still had lost control, on top of not being satisfied by just that.

Fear of all the awkward stares and silences which I knew were gonna follow the next day.

Skepticism, as the thought that he wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t mean to, crossed my mind. And if this were true then he definitely liked me.

And finally denial, when I thought that it was just a spur of the moment thing and nothing more.

I took in a deep breath and prepared myself for what all was gonna happen.

We were hiding in Derek’s house and waiting for him and Ashley to come in through the main door. Unfortunately or fortunately, I had not seen Tyler yet and considering the number of people who were hiding with us and were gonna spill out in the house once they did come, I reckoned that I was not gonna be able to see him for a little more while. Meeting him was inevitable but till then…..

Bah! I’m just past caring! Let’s see what happens! I can’t carry this baggage with me everywhere! I mean, come on! What’s done is done. All this tension is not good for me.

What if I get….I gulped…. pre-mature wrinkles?

Oh no!

Louis Tomlinson will not even look at me then! And if he won’t look at me, how will he marry me?

I can’t risk all that!

Just then we heard the gate opening and everyone shushed each other down. “Thanks, Derek. The date was amazing! And I love this!” I heard Ashley’s bubbly voice from a distance.

“It was nothing really!” Derek replied.

“You know, I’m legal now!” Ash said in a seductive tone. The people around me started giggling and I joined them. “Maybe tonight we –“

Oh no! No! No!

I stood up immediately and shouted, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ASHLEY!!!”

And just then someone switched on the lights and everyone cheered in unison. Her eyes widened like huge saucers as she looked at the scene in front of her and then bit her lip and stared at us with a big smile.

Yeah! Yeah! Believe it or not girl, we're all here for YOU!

No one is here for free booze and food!! Pft!!

I made my way to her, hugged her tightly and wished her again.

“Oh my gosh! I thought you forgot!” she said and looked at me with a lopsided grin and smacked her forehead slowly.

“Ah! I wanted exactly that!” I said and winked at her.

“Happy birthday, baby,” Derek said and kissed her. She smiled and as she turned towards me her smile widened. “Tyler!”

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