The Dursley Side Of Things

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CaitlynMalfoyBlack  Swalezee  lovelylily  cookootanee  BambiBoo17  Domo2012  fredfredmole30   Nikita1976  TruthfulLittleMe  smileycactus  nymphadora101  

Thank you so much all of you for all your lovely comments. They really do help me write this story and I appreciate it so much. I feel like I have to mention GerardVarney in this too as the message I recieved from them gave me the motivation to finish this chapter and upload it for all of you. Again a big thank you to all of the kind messages you guys sent about my dad, it really does mean a lot. 

I won't keep you any longer, here's the chapter.


I made it through the first few weeks, I even made it through the first few months not allowing myself to cry. I pushed every memory Sirius and I had every created to the back of my mind, in my mind we never happened. I knew that eventually it would all come back to me at one point but for now I was in denial. I refused to let Sirius touch me and when we spoke there would always be somebody else around so I could get the distance I needed. I couldn’t afford to feel anymore. On the sixth of July, three days after the school year ended, Lily’s sister Petunia was to be married.

I hadn’t been invited as such but Lily’s mother had wrote me a letter saying that it would be okay if I wanted to come. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want anything that could trigger my emotions- the intense ones at least. However, after much begging from Lily I caved, she needed me there so she wouldn’t do anything to ‘ruin’ her sister’s perfect wedding. Lily wasn’t bridesmaid, she didn’t want to be either, having Petunia boss her about all day didn’t strike her as a situation she’d want to be a part of.

“You look amazing.” Lily sighed as I stood in front of her full length mirror. It was the day of the wedding and we had finally finished getting ready, well Lily had finally finished tugging at my hair and eyelashes. She had somehow gotten me into a green dress she owned. Lily looked amazing in the dark blue number she had bought for it.

“You do too.” I replied weakly, smiling a bit. Lily smiled back and it was almost a sad smile, I didn’t put much more thought into it though because Lily’s crying mother was already rushing us out the door screaming about how late we were going to be.

Turned out we were extremely early and as we took our seats I finally realised that Lily wasn’t lying when she said that this wedding was putting her parents out of pocket. The venue had been decorated to look like what could have been a wedding fit for a royal family. Everywhere I looked there were rose petals scattered and there were violins playing constantly. There were ice sculptures that were melting quickly due to the extreme heat wave Britain was facing that summer and there were what must be over a hundred white seats with plastic seat covers. In short everything seemed extremely overdone.

“This is ridiculous; when I get married I swear it’ll be the opposite of this.” Lily muttered as we took our seats, Petunia had made it clear to Lily that she wanted her seated towards the back if I was going to be there so we had done as Petunia had said.

It wasn’t long before everyone started bustling in and the band started playing the traditional wedding march. After the first few bridesmaids passed us, their noses high in the air and their pink dresses flowing at their feet, it was Petunia’s turn to walk down the aisle. She had her hair twisted into a bun and a look of intense greed on her face, her dress was puffy and really was fit for royalty. I couldn’t help but notice that when she passed me and Lily she almost sneered at us.

Soon Petunia was married to that big lug Vernon and we were forced into a small room to wait for the reception and dinner to start. It wasn’t long before Petunia was standing with me and Lily, boasting about the ceremony.

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