[jeon jeongguk]

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Imagine Jeongguk being clingy.


"Sweetheart, please," you sigh, half-assing a shove, "I need to go to work."

"No." Jeongguk's arms and legs tighten around you and he buries his face into the side of your neck. He's sat in your lap, trapping you, the sheets tangled around you both.

He's warm, a stark contrast from the six AM frost gathering on the window. You try another weak push but he sticks to you like glue—if you really tried, Jeongguk is aware he wouldn't win, but you're not. He's prevailing and he knows it, smirking like the little brat he is.

Your hands go to rest on his hips, sliding under his loose grey shirt and caressing the soft skin there. "You're such a baby," you tell him affectionately, resting your head on his shoulder, "a tiny baby."

Jeongguk whines, a little petulantly. "Hyung," he says, "I'm not tiny."

"Oh, so you agree that you're a baby?" One of your hands travels downwards to rest on his thigh. His boxers have ridden up, giving you easy access to his bare skin.

"You're putting words in my mouth. Stop doing that."

"And yet you're still not disagreeing with me."

He's quiet and you grin victoriously. "You. Baby," you emphasize, with an upwards twitch of your lips.

After a long, long pause, Jeongguk sighs in defeat. "Fine. I'm baby."

"My baby," you hum, and he presses closer to you with an adoring laugh, his competitive character all but gone in the sleepy hours of the dawn. You know you're being cheesy and sickly sweet—your friends would probably gag.

"Come back to sleep with me, hyung," Jeongguk whispers. "Please? I'm getting cold." He shivers for added effect.

You place the back of your hand against your forehead dramatically and jest, "But I must adhere to the rules made by corporate companies of a capitalist nature or else face severe social outcast."

 Jeongguk shifts in your lap, getting more comfortable. "No big words, it's too early for that. Besides, what am I supposed to do while you're gone?"

"Well, what do you usually do when I'm gone?"

"Wait for you to come back."

You glance at him. And ultimately, you relent. "Alright. I'll call in sick or something later."

"Finally." Immediately, Jeongguk drags you down to the bed and throws the sheets over the two of you, wriggling to try and find a spot that hasn't cooled. He doesn't find one and scoots closer to you, letting out a content sigh. Only his mop of fluffy hair is visible while the rest of him is hidden beneath the blankets.

God, you think as his breathing evens out, I'd do anything for him.

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