white lie [kim namjoon]

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request: Hi can I request something sweet with Namjoon and ice skating? You can make up the rest!

note: thank you for requesting, i hope you like where i've gone with it! also bottom joon is everything so i had to put some in i hope you don't mind,,


—sometimes you just need to put life on pause.

word count: 1.3k


Everyone knows Namjoon works hard—and you're the one who knows best, being his boyfriend and all. But he's been working on this one song for so long, always scrapping his lyrics and any attempts at a beat, and though you beg for him to take a break he's determined to conquer the problem that is Untitled Track #3.

You sprawl your limbs across the couch in his studio, staring at the off-white ceiling. "Sweetheart," you try again, "do you want to go grab some food with me?"

He just hums, hunched at his desk in a position that can't be comfortable. "Sorry, I can't right now. I've got to finish this."

You shift from your back to your side, one arm under your head. "It can wait until after you recharge though, can't it?"

Finally, he turns around in his chair. God, you've missed his face. It feels like you haven't seen him in years. (You're probably being overdramatic, but you think it's justified—you haven't gone anywhere with him for a month and a half.) "I know, babe, but the fans—"

"Understand that idols are people too and require rest," you interrupt sternly. "I know you want to get this out for them, but I think it can wait for one day. I will eat my hand if they start rioting in the streets because you haven't dropped the album. Please, you're missing sleep because of this."

Namjoon sighs, but it's fond. He saves what he's managed to get down and shuts down the program. "Okay, you win. What do you want to do?"

You beam and sit up properly. "I saw this ad for an ice-skating rink. I think it's part of a fair or something." You raise an eyebrow and tease, "You wanna go and crush all those first-time nerds?"

He rolls his eyes playfully and reaches over to whack your shoulder, ignoring your exaggerated cry of pain. "Don't be mean, they're still learning."

"You're mean." You jut your lower lip out in a pout and Namjoon finds it funny how you (a very tall, rather intimidating man) can act so childish and manage to pull it off.

"Do you want to go skating or not?"

You stand up immediately. "Yes."

Laughing softly, Namjoon joins you and slips his hand into yours. "I'll tell the members, then."

You nod, not quite listening—you're too busy thinking of all the different things to do with him.

When Namjoon said he'd tell his members, you thought he'd tell them that he'd be going out with you—not inviting them to come along.

"This place is cold."

"It's an ice rink, dumbass, of course it's going to be cold."

You ignore the bickering duo and focus on putting on the rented ice skates. The rush of adrenaline makes it more difficult to focus on everyone around you and what they're doing—you feel like you did when you were younger, getting ready to practice your routines.

Jimin and Jeongguk are already on the ice, experimentally pushing off the wall. It seems like they're having a competition of some sort.

Namjoon waits patiently for you by the entrance and you join him, the corners of your lips turning upwards. "Thank you for coming out here with me," you whisper, pressing your lips to his in a chaste kiss.

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