bon appétit [kim seokjin]

7.4K 183 20

— he is as sweet as sugar.

word count: 1.4k


Knock knock knock.

Seokjin glances up from his phone and frowns—he isn't expecting anyone. A small part of him wants to keep him quiet and pretend he isn't home in case it is an axe murderer, but murderers don't usually kill at nine in the morning (or at least the movies say so).

Seokjin gets up and darts to his front door, avoiding a pile of textbooks he's yet to pick up and study. He opens the door.

Oh no. Oh no.

A cute guy is standing at his apartment.

"Hi." Seokjin clears his throat and ignores the long, slightly awkward pause where he'd given you a once-over. "Is there something you need?"

"Yeah, uh, do you have an egg I could use?" you ask, hands in the pockets of your jacket.

Seokjin blinks. "An egg?" Of all the possible things that you could have asked for, an egg was a surprise.

"Yes. I want to make pancakes and I don't have one," you say, rocking on your heels, "so do you have one you wouldn't miss?"

He nods, slowly at first before becoming more confident, and says, "I do. Wait here." He shuts the door—wait, should he have let you in?—and hurries to his kitchen, opening his fridge and taking an egg from the tray.

Returning to the door, Seokjin opens it again and holds it out with a smile. "Here's your egg."

Taking it gratefully, you thank him, apologise for the inconvenience, and turn to leave. But when Seokjin sees a chance with an attractive person, he's definitely going to take it, so he grabs your arm to keep you there.

"Do you want help making those pancakes?"

You laugh, a little awkwardly, "Ah, it's okay, I've already stolen an egg. You don't have to do anything else for me."

But Seokjin's not one to give up so easily. "No, I insist. Among my friends, I'm somewhat of a culinary genius. I can help." Somewhat was a bit of an understatement, but he didn't want to come off as arrogant. Confident, but not arrogant.

You glance down at his hand, still gripping onto your arm just above your elbow, and shrug. "Sure, why not? My name's YN, by the way," you add as Seokjin releases you and follows you to the apartment on the right of his. Man, he's been living next to a cute guy all this time?

Seokjin's satisfied with where this is going and secretly congratulates himself. "It's nice to meet you, YN." He points to himself. "Seokjin."

You give him a small smile as you push open the door and step past the threshold. "And you too, Seokjin."

His name falls from your lips like petals of a flower, sounding like the feeling of silk on skin, like the angels themselves are blessing his ears—wait. No. Stop being a cliche romance book, Seokjin. He shakes his head to rid himself of the sappy thoughts filling his mind. He really should cut down on how many romance stories he reads.

He follows you into your kitchen and he notes the plants dotted around your place, giving a little life to the otherwise bare apartment. Each one is flawless, nothing dry or brown, and has lustrous green leaves. They are so well looked after he thought they were fake at first.

"I've already set out what I think I need, so... what now?" After balancing the egg on the counter, you turn to face Seokjin. You realise that he's actually really pretty. Like, really pretty. Pretty enough to warrant you fantasizing about carving his entire being into marble.

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