Chapter 12

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Caroline's P.O.V.

     "Bye and thanks Jason. I had a really good time. Except for what happened to Veronica. I'll see you later." I told Jason. He said his goodbyes and left. I smiled and entered the mansion. I looked around and noticed that no one was around. I suddenly heard a door slam. Odd. I just shrugged and walked to my room. It was 3 and I needed to get some work done. And make the phone call to a therapist.
   I made my way to my room and suddenly heard someone being slammed against a wall. A moan came next. I almost threw up. I was ready to go and shout at Alex to go to a different room, but refrained. There was no point. Especially since I might walk in on them both being half naked and then I would really throw up. I walked into my room, shutting the door gently behind me.
     "Ugh." I groaned as I leaned against the door. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and searched for a therapist's number. I found one and pressed the call button. A person picked up quickly.
     "Hello. This is Leah Anderson from Anderson's Therapy. How may I help you?" A woman answered.
     "Hello Ms. Anderson. My name is Caroline Wilson. I'm calling to start scheduling appointments for my sister." I told the woman.
     "Of course. Before we make appointments I will need to speak with you on details on what your sister is dealing with specifically. Do you think we could talk tomorrow at noon perhaps?" I smiled widely.
     "Definitely. I will be there right at noon." I thanked the woman and hung up. I did a quick little happy dance. Things were going so-
     "Alexander!" A loud moan came from the other room. It was a woman who had moaned. Well at least I was able to do my call without dealing with that. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my laptop and got to work. Only a few minutes later, I found myself working outside. The moans had increased and got on my nerves. Now I was outside in Alex's backyard still on my laptop.
   I don't know how long I worked for, but suddenly I realized it was getting darker out and my stomach started growling. Part of me didn't have an appetite because of what had happened earlier, but I knew I would only end up in the cold, and starving. I packed up my stuff and walked back inside to the kitchen. When I entered it I saw Alex taking a long sip of beer. I decided to ignore him and just make a salad. I walked to the fridge and pulled out some lettuce and ranch. I grabbed a bowl and began my salad.
     "I didn't realize you came back. How long have you been here?" Alex asked me. He was leaning against the counter and staring at me intently.
     "Since you slammed a door shut with a woman you then began fucking." I stated simply. Alex's face went crimson. I just chuckled. "I started working but then I had to go outside because your girlfriend's moans were way too loud. And yours as well."
     "Whatever. How was it seeing your family?" He asked me. I sucked in a sharp breath. I could still see Veronica's scars covering her arms. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.
     "It was good." I tried telling him, while keeping my voice leveled. I don't think he bought it though.
     "Caroline what happened?" He asked me sternly. I began ripping the pieces of lettuce more viciously. I couldn't get that image of my little sister being so scared. "Caroline." Alex said for carefully. I was ripping the lettuce to shreds now. "Caroline!" He yelled grabbed my hands and turning me to face him. My breaths had become ragged. Tears had fallen. I released a loud cry and fell to my knees. Alex came down with me.
     "She's suicidal. She cuts herself. I bet she starved herself." I choked out. "I'm such an idiot!" I shouted, burying my face in my hands.
     "You aren't an idiot Caroline. Now tell me what happened. Who are you talking about?" Alex asked gently.
     "I am an idiot. And it's my little sister. She's suicidal. I noticed her tugging her long sleeves down and when I lifted them, her arms were covered in self inflicted cuts. I was so stupid. She had told me that it had been like that for 3 months. 3 fucking months I've been so oblivious to my sister's life, that I don't realize she might kill herself! How did I do that?! I failed her. When all I wanted, was to make her proud of me." I screamed. I cried harder.
"I'm going to repeat myself. You aren't an idiot. Your sister could hide it so well because you worked so much. And you did make her proud. Trust me on this. Ever since you were 14, you've worked your ass off to keep your family safe. All while pursuing an education. Now let's make you a new salad. I'm positive you ripped every piece that a mouse would have a hard time eating it." I looked in Alex's eyes.
"Thank you. And I'm sorry for causing a scene." I apologized, looking at the ground. Alex looked at me intently. He lifted my chin up to look at him.
"Caroline look at me. You never have to apologize for something like that." And then he kissed me.

That's it for this chapter! I'll see you soon! Also I'm making this point again. Suicide is a real problem. Please pray for all those people dealing with it. Thanks!
~Marissa-Meyer-Fan 🙂

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