Chapter 14. For The First Time.

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Brooklyn's POV.

It's been a week since Niall and I broke up. I haven't talked to him at all. Ignoring all calls, texts, and voicemails.

He won't stop. It's constant.

I underestimated when I said I wanted a break from him. I don't want anything to do with him anymore.

Why did he do this to me? He said he loved me..

I was walking down the road to go to the store, looking at my phone which displayed a picture of Niall and I two weeks ago. I knocked into someone and luckily held onto my phone.

"I am so sorry, are you o-.. Brooke?" A familiar voice asked cautiously and curiously.

"Niall.." I started to walk away when he grabbed my arm and pulled my back.

"Brooklyn listen to me!" He pleaded. He looked terrible. He had super dark bags under his eyes, he looked like he had lost several pounds, and his hair was all over the place.

"What happened to you?"

"You left me.."


"It wasn't my fault!" He cried. I couldn't take it. It's not okay. I turned and started walking again, ignoring his yells.

When I got back to the hotel, Hannah greeted me. Hannah is manager of the hotel, and we've become great friends now.

I ran to my room, instantly collapsing on my bed and wishing to fall asleep and never wake up again. I couldn't fall asleep, so I checked my Twitter.

"Brooke is a bitch. She broke his heart, which led him to kiss that girl, so she broke his heart again."

"Brooklyn Adams is a slut. She cheated on Niall."

"Brooke is worthless."

"Brooklyn Marie Adams.. What a cunt."

"#KillBrooke She needs to rot in a hole."

"#KillBrooke let's go after her with pitchforks lol"

"Brooklyn Marie Adams should kill herself."

Maybe I should. Everyone hates me anyways. '#KillBrooke' is trending, has been for the last week.

Out of the hundreds of hate filled tweets I get, there's only a couple that aren't.

"Brooklyn Adams isn't a bitch, cunt, or slut. She didn't do anything wrong. She's gorgeous. Her and Niall are just having a small fight, they're meant for eachother. #NooklynForLife."

Those kind of tweets make me smile. But not for long. Why does everyone hate me?

Oh, that's right. Because I broke up with a world wide sensation.


"I am in the wrong and she did nothing. I don't blame her. Please stop the hate guys."

Tweeted by @NiallOfficial on July 23, 2012 at 3:44 pm.


Five seconds ago.

Why? Why does he still care? I agree. I should die. Someone should kill me. And if they won't, I will.

I should die.

I should die..

"Brooklyn Adams, former girlfriend of Niall Horan, receiving death threats from so called fans on twitter, even after he told them to stop only few minutes ago? Stay tuned for further details!" A reporter on the tv said.

I turned it off and ran to the bathroom, looking for a blade.

(A/N: this is just a filler to let you guys kind of get what's goin on, sorry that it's so short! It's like almost 2 am here and I'm updating on my phone! I'll update again tomorrow I think but ya know, what happens happens. 100 reads 4 comments for another long update. Otherwise. Another filler. I need to get my story to more reads though. And I reached 22 fans! Thanks guys. My goal was 20! I appreciate you so much. <3

Answer for dedication:

What would you say to make Niall laugh if you met him?

Winner gets dedication, and it gets used in the story. Love you guys :) -Kasey ))

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