Chapter 24. My Heart Will Go On.

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Chapter 24

“What?..” I whispered, not wanting to believe it. He just nodded.

“They were checking into hotels… Any hotel they thought you would stay at in London. Then she found out about us, how could she not? And of course, with our information being to accessible, she found out we were in the states, and they came here. Followed us everywhere. From what I know, she doesn’t know we’re here yet, but Brooklyn, this is all my fault!” He choked up, and started crying again. How could he think that?

“Niall, none of this is your fault. It’s mine.”

He just looked up at me, and shook his head.

“I’m the one that decided to tell everyone about us, if I hadn’t, she wouldn’t have any idea.” He whispered shakily, taking my hand in his. “I’ve let her in on our lives. And I don’t know if I can forgive myself for it.”

I stood up in front of him.

“Niall, would you listen to me?” I half-yelled. “None of this is your fault! It started when I was just a kid, you didn’t even know me! How could you have helped? She would have found me sooner or later… Let her come! We’ll do something, I know it… If anything, I should be the one in the wrong for putting you through all of this!” I broke down also, tears started pouring down my cheeks. He stood up, and ran over to me, wrapping his arms around me. I let my body collapse into him, as my tears stained his shirt. We stayed like this for what seemed like forever, until there was a knock on the door. Niall whispered something in my ear, then let me go, as he walked to the door and answered it.

As soon as he let go of me, I fell to the floor and laid there, curled up in the fetal position. I continued to bawl, as I slowly started to rock myself back and forth. I slightly composed myself, and was able to crawl to the nearest corner and just sit there, staring at the wall. A blank, white, naked wall. Tears still poured from my eyes, but I paid no attention to them.

“We have to get her, and the rest of the boys out of here.” I heard Paul’s familiar voice across the room.

“What, why?” I pictured Niall looking worried- his eyes slightly widened, and his hand running through his hair- and sighing.

“We’ve traced her mom. She’s near us, and we need to leave. Not only is she in harm’s way, but the rest of us are, also. Her mom expects us to be at the best hotel in the area, of course, so we’re downgrading. Get both of your stuff and meet me and the rest of the boys in the van at the back of the hotel. Take the back exit.” I then heard feet shuffling, and the door shutting. As soon as Niall turned around, he saw me, and ran over. He picked me up, but I just clamped my hands onto his shirt, and continued crying.

“Brooklyn, babe, we need to get our stuff together…” He pleaded. I composed myself a little, again, and walked shakily toward the room, finding it extremely not to just break down on the floor and let my anxiety take over.

When we had all our stuff gathered, which didn’t take too long, considering we just got here, we ran down the stairs. Paul had mentioned that the elevator was too public, and predictable, if my mom got here sooner than we expected. We exited through the back door, and ran to the small black van near the exit. The door was opened and Niall and I threw our stuff in, then climbed in ourselves. Sure enough, when we pulled away, I noticed an all-too-familiar silver car pulling in. We drove down the road for a few minutes, until we turned onto a back-road that looked like it hadn’t been used  in ages.

“Why did we just turn?” Harry asked, confused.

“She saw us.”

Those three words caused me to break again, resulting in me burying my head into Niall’s chest the rest of the way.

“What’s going to happen?”

“I don’t know, baby, I don’t know.” He whispered. “But it’s going to be perfectly fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely.” He sighed.

We kept going down the empty gravel road, my vision blurred from tears.

“She’s going to kill me!” I yelled, and Niall just shushed me.

“No she isn’t. You’re safe.”

We walked into the rundown hotel room, and Paul asked to talk to Niall in the hallway. Of course, being Niall, the door was left cracked open, leaving me to hear every dreadful word that came out of his mouth.

“Niall… You need to break up with her.”

“What?!” He sounded taken back, and shocked.

“She causes too much trouble. After this whole thing is gone, we fly her back to London, and leave her be. She can move on with her life, and we can move on with ours. She’s  just one step from ruining your career. She has to go.”

By that time, I was in the doorway, the door fully open, watching Niall gape at the man in shock. His face was red, as he stormed into his room.

“I knew I was too much of a burden before, but when you sit there and go behind my back and say it to my boyfriend, instead of to my face, shows how pathetic you are. I mean, for someone who practically took me in, this is low. And you’re sitting there telling the person I love- the person that saved my life- that I need to leave? Well, alright. You got your wish. Right now, I’d rather be with my mother than in your presence. I can’t believe I trusted you.” With that, I turned on my heel, slamming the door behind me. The boys all had a separate room from me. I went over to the bed, grabbed my suitcase, and planned my retreat.

I waited a few hours, before grabbing a paper and pen and scribbling a note.

Dear whoever,

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for the pain I caused, I’m sorry for causing so much trouble.

I’m sorry for being such a burden to your lives.

Niall, I love you. Please don’t forget me.

Boys, you will always be my best friends.

And Paul, no matter how much I despise you right now, I will always be grateful for you.

By the time you read this, I’ll be gone.

I can’t define “gone”, whether it’s out of the city, out of the country, or worse.

I love all you guys.

Thank you for the great time.




I signed a little heart by my name, and stared at the note.

Am I really doing this?

I nodded to myself, before placing the note on the bed, staring at it a little longer. I turned on my heel, walking to the door, and grabbing my suitcase.

I opened the door, looked at the ground, before moving my feet.

I walked a little longer, before I ran into something.

Or, someone.


(A/N: Sorry... Who do you think it is? COMMENT AND VOTE)

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