Chapter 9~ Psssht. Cocky? You know it

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Chapter 9~ Psssht. Cocky? You know it

"Wyvern, duh," He looked at me as if I'm mentally slow.

I rolled my eyes, "Then how come it looks exactly like Earth?"

"We like to keep up to date with the humans. Everything they have, we have," he turned right on a very busy street.

"Then why is the air fresher, no pollution anywhere?"

He chuckled, "Earth elementists. They're job is to help keep our world clean. Not polluted like Earth. How did you ever live in that world for so long?"

I looked out the window again. There was people everywhere. There was people walking, running, and even flying. I gasped.

Justin smirked, "You didn't think that ice, fire, and mental were the only powers did you?"

I ignored him and continued gawking at the scene before me. People were on their phones. Some had a thing that looked like the internet in front of them, using there fingers to press things. It looked like they were tapping thin air.

There was people turning other people into things and laughing at them, then turn them back. Kids were chasing each other, laughing, using their powers.

The buildings were beautiful. More beautiful than anything anybody on Earth could build. The grass was greener, plants were more colorful, air was cleaner, sky was bluer, sun was brighter. This world was absolutely gorgeous.

"Here we are," Justin turned to me when we were at school pair of huge gates.

"How do we get in?"

Justin honked his horn. A small door next to the gate opened, and a man stuck out his head. His eyes bulged when he saw Justin.

"Lord Justin! You have returned," the gate man said with the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"Lord Justin?" I was amused.

Justin put down his head, "Pedro! I told you to stop calling me that!"

"I'm sorry my l- uh,  Justin," Pedro went back inside and a few moments later the gate opened.

Justin drove inside and in front of me stood a magnificent castle. My mouth dropped open for what seemed like the hundredth time today. 

Why is everything so absolutely gorgeous in this world? It's like these people are perfectionists. The castle was made out of cream colored bricks. The building rose so high up, I got dizzy from trying to look up at it.

Justin parked the car and got out. Before I realized he had stopped driving, he was at my door, opening it for me. "You're highness. Welcome home!" He stepped back to let me take on the full beaut of the building that stood so magnificently high in front of me.

I spun around to look at everything. Right in the middle of the courtyard was a huge mermaid fountain, spurting out water. There was servants going around, doing there jobs. Except, they all seemed to be using magic of some kind to do their job for them.

There was plants and trees of all colors and size at the edge of the courtyard, surrounding the castle. The castle, itself was amazing, The bricks looked so delicately placed. The structure looked like the builders were not fully satisfied until it was perfect.

I started walking towards the castle when something caught my eyes. I turned to where I had seen it and walked in that direction. Soon, in front of me appeared a huge topiary maze. I gasped once again.

Justin chuckled and I jumped. I had totally forgotten he was with me.

"Aww. How could you forget I was here?" He put on a fake hurt look.

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