Chapter 2~ It would be his fault if I accidentally burnt him, not mine.

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Chapter 2~ It would be his fault if I accidentally burnt him, not mine.

I set the motel on fire... Okay back to the beginning.

My room was small. It had a tiny, white half-bathroom. There was a small refrigerator. You know, the ones you can fit in your room? And a small twin bed. the room had a tan color carpet and the walls were light blue. There was one window looking outside.

I sat down at the chair near the window and sighed. Where will I go? I know no one and I'm on the run. I'm sure the police have been notified by now and they are looking for me.

The sun was setting by then. I realized it had been like two hours since I left the school, and the sun always set early in the winter.

I was hungry, so I decided to go down the street to a small restaurant. It was called, Francis' Bistro. I walked in a little bell dinged. I decided I wanted take out, and walked over to the cashier. I had ordered some a hoagie and Coke. 

I felt like someone was staring at me, I turned around and saw a person staring at me like they were trying to remember where they saw me at. I realized that if I had burned down the school, that they would have me on the news by now. I started to get really nervous.

All of a sudden, I got this weird slightly painful/tingly feeling. Then, I could see everything clearly. I didn't have any eye problems before, but now I could see everything down to the very last millimeter.

I looked back at the man, he had picked up his phone. I know I probably should have been worrying about the eyesight, since that was new, but that never came to my mind. It felt natural, like it had always been apart of me.

I saw the man look back up at me, and dial the numbers, 9-1-1. He had finally realized where he had seen me and were calling the cops now. I had to leave immediately, but I didn't want to look suspicious. I was about to casually walk to the door, act like I was looking out the window, and sneak out.

But just my luck, a policeman walked in just then. I didn't think the man had called that cop though because he was still on the phone. He hadn't looked up and seen the policeman yet. So, I still had a chance but, I knew I couldn't get out. I don't have good luck, and I was right.

The man looked up just then, and saw the cop. He stood up and walked over to the cop. I saw him talk to the cop and point to me. The policeman left him and came over to me.

"Is your name Fiera Madison," the cop questioned me.

I tried to look puzzled. "Excuse me? I think you may have the wrong person."

The cop took out his hand-cuffs. I knew I sucked at acting.

"Sorry ma'am, but I will have to ask you to come with me for some questioning."

I knew what I did was against the law, but I did it anyway....

I ran.

I ran like there was no tomorrow. 

I had to go back to motel because I had left some of my stuff there. I could here the cop yelling behind me, but I ignored him.

Oh, shit, shit. I am sooo dead. I knew I couldn't get away with this. Thank the Lord, the motel is right down the street.

I ran into the motel and up the stairs. The elevator would take too long and the cop would probably waiting at the top for me. I tried to get the keys but I dropped it. Did I have bad hand-eye co-ordination, or what?

I miraculously opened the door, and locked it behind me. I picked up the stuff I left here, and heard the policeman banging on my door yelling, "OPEN UP! OR I WILL FORCEFULLY OPEN THE DOOR AND YOU WILL GO TO JAIL FOR MULTIPLE CHARGES!!"

I came up with a plan.

I opened the door and put my hands up. He grabbed me, and pushed me on the ground.

God, I got so angry at him... I gave up willingly, why does he have to act like I'm some armed maniac?

I tried to calm myself down. Hopefully, he won't say "You got the right to remain silent!" I don't know why but I always get so angry when someone says that.

I guess it's because, when I was younger, like in kindergarten. I used to play with my bff's, Jared and Amy. We used to play tag, but we called it cops. Jared was always it, or the cop. And when you tagged someone you had to say, "You have the right to remain silent!" And he always used to cheat in the game. Especially with me. When he was close to me he would say, "You have have the right to remain silent!" Whether he tagged me or not. And, he knew that annoyed me so much. One day I slapped him for doing it, and our friendship was ruined from that day on.

And won't you know it, the cop said it. I was outraged. I had major anger problems, so that little thing made me angry very quickly.

I knew I would get in huge trouble if I hurt the cop, but he really needed to let go of me. I couldn't be to blame for me angering him. It would be his fault if I accidentally burnt him, not mine.

Then, I heard him yelling. "Uh, uh. I ain't paid for this for dealing with freaks!" He let go of me and I looked up. He was rubbing his hands and I saw burn marks on it. I looked around and there was fire on the ground. It spreading, quickly. The fire alarm went off and people started coming out of their rooms to see if there really was a fire or some dumb person just burnt their food. Once they saw the fire, they started running down the stairs and fire exit, screaming and yelling. I saw parents running in their house to get their kids and belongings.

I felt guilty. I set the motel on fire, and people were suffering the price for it. They had kids and belongings they worked hard to gain and it was about to turn into ash. There was nothing I or anyone could do. By the time the firemen came, it would be too late. I could only hope that no one would remain in the building while it was devoured in flames.

Before I knew it the place was a blazed. I heard the fire trucks, and I got out of the building quickly.

 Then, I did the only thing I could.

I walked away with my chin up and shoulders high.

Or at least I tried to...


That motel fire though... Anyways, I hope y'all loved it!

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Love ya!<3

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