Chapter 22~ You're safe now and I promise I'll always keep you safe.

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Chapter 22~ It's okay now. You're safe now and I promise I'll always keep you safe.

Guys, I'm changing something in the story. From now on, the time on Earth and in Wyvern is the same. It's too confusing for me to pace the story with the time difference. I'll go back and change the story when I'm done with the whole thing. Anyways, ignore any spelling and grammar mistakes. I'll fix them later. Enjoy! :D

So, there's really only like a ten percent chance that I'm going to make it out of here. Justin and I against 11 people with all kinds of different powers didn't really look good for us.

"You could always give up now and come with me willingly," the King offered.

I scowled.

"Actually, I'm only looking out for your mother. We don't want her to get hurt in the crossfire..." He said.


I looked at my mother who was also standing up, trying to put on a brave facade even though it was obvious she was terrified. I couldn't let her get hurt. I came here just to keep her from getting hurt.

If I let her get hurt because of meme, I swear I'll kill myself.

"Fiera..." Justin said.

"No." I answered quietly. "We can't do this. I can't do this. I can't take the chance of Mom getting hurt."

"Fiera-" Mom started.

"No!" I said too harshly. "No. I won't let you get hurt because of me. I'd let them torture me if it meant keeping you safe."

"That's not a bad idea," Ashley cut in.

"Ashley, I swear to God, if you do not shut that useless hole of yours, I'll-" Justin warned.

Ashley interrupted, "Calm down. I was only joking, sweetie."

Justin was about to start yelling at her when I busted out laughing. Flashbacks started racing through my mind like a fast paced slideshow. From burning down the school and motel to Justin breaking my heart to being forced to come here to now. All the emotions and anxiety started to break me down. "Y-you know who you r-remind me of," I said through my laughing fit. I didn't wait for Ashley to respond, "Vanessa from 90210. She's a crazy chick who dated this guy and became his manager and- Wait, you don't want to hear all this." I started laughing like crazy again.

"All the pressure. It's too much for her. She's going to go crazy if we don't release her," Justin said.

I fell back into the couch, "What do you mean crazy? I'm perfectly normal."

Justin turned to the king in panic, "We need to release her mind."

The king looked conflicted, "But if we do, then she'd be more powerful than ever before."

"And if you don't then she'd be insane for the rest of her life," Justin argued.

"Justin, you're a cute kitty," I said.

My mom touched my arm, "Fiera..."

I flinched away from her touch, and got up and started jumping. "I'm on a trampoline. Whee!"

"She's getting worse by the second!" Justin panicked even worse. "I'm releasing her mind now."

"Do as you wish," Cornelius said, walking out of the room. "But might I remind you that if you do it wrong, you will not only end up killing her but cause her to explode, destroying this whole castle and everyone in it. I, of course, will be long gone." He then disappeared through the door, along with everyone but my mom, Justin, and I.

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