Chapter 25~ I was just there, but I wasn't

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Chapter 25~ I was just there, but I wasn't

Dedicated to ItzComplicatedokay because her comments are hilarious and are literally life omg. <3

Brody was seething, "Who the hell do you think you are?"

Justin looked Brody up and down, rolled his eyes, then returned his attention to me. "Fiera, we need to go."

My mind was racing. I  was tuned out of everything that was going on around me.

So everything is real? Wyvern? Justin? Everything? I actually have mental powers?

I frowned.

If I had mental powers, why didn't I try to use them... And why haven't I tried to use my fire powers.

Putting one of my hands behind me, I tried to focus on making flames. 

I tried once. No fire.

Tried twice. No fire.

"Fiera?" I heard a voice call.

Three times. No fire.


Four times. No fire.


Five times. No fire.

"Fiera!" One voice yelled..

"Fiera?" A second voice said at the same time.

"Fiera?!" A third voice screamed alone with the others.

"SHUT UP!" I bellowed, fire bursting out from within, enveloping every inch of my body.

It took a couple seconds before I realized what had happened, and by then it was too late. People were running and screaming, shouting and pushing. 

My eyes widened in shock as I took in everything that was going on around me. I froze as flashbacks came flooding back in. 

Flashbacks of when I first set the school on fire.

Flashbacks of everyone's faces morphed in fear... anger... disgust.

Flashbacks of feeling like a mutant.

Flashbacks of running.

Not knowing where I'm going.

Not knowing who I am anymore.

Not knowing anything.

The flames diminished and I fell to my knees. Shaking my head, hands covering my eyes, I started bawling. All the feelings that I had had buried deep down, not wanting to acknowledge for the fear of mentally breaking down, came flooding out.

Feelings of insecurity.

Feeling as if people didn't like me for me.

People only liked me for my looks.

People only liked me for my powers.

The fear that one day, I'd be left alone.

No one would remember me.

This can't be happening. I can't keep doing this.

"Fiera? Fiera!" A voice suddenly rang out over the chaos and emotional distress.

I sniffed and looked up from my wet hands, the first thing coming within eyesight is the fire spreading and wiping out everything in its path. My body shook as tears tried to force its way out.

I don't want to hurt anyone else.

I just can't.

The screams of terror and the sound of the screeching fire alarm clouded my heating. I couldn't focus on anything while the thoughts of all the frightened people started roaring in my head. I shoved my hands over my ears, trying to shut the thoughts out. I screamed in pain and agony.

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