Chapter 30~ I am the Chosen One after all

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Chapter 30~ I am the Chosen One after all

There is important information in the Author's Note at the end. Please read it!

Credits to: @HappySnakesNom for giving me ideas which I merged together for this chapter.

I have to get out of here.

I can't stay here... I'll die if I do.

I looked around the room frantically, searching for the door I had entered in.

It was gone.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," I cried out. I ran around the room, trying all the doors, but each and every single one of them were locked.

Slow down and think, Kiara. You're going to die if you don't come up with a plan.

There is no plan. There's nothing I can do.

Yes there is. This is Heaven right? You can't die in Heaven.

Then how are they going to kill me?

In the midst of my thoughts, a doorknob turned and the familiar voice I had heard behind the door, rang out. "Kiara?"

I whipped around, spotting Brody and backed against the wall, "W-what do you want?"

He looked confused, "What do I want? What are you talking about? Why are you here?"

I took a deep breath and my brain suddenly put two and two together, "You can't kill me."

"Kill you? Why would I want to kill you?"

"I-I heard you talking in that room. Someone ordered you to kill me."

His eyes closed for a second then reopened. I gasped at the sight of his transformed eyeballs. Instead of the white with the black pupil, his eyes were fully black.

He looked like a demon.

"Well I guess I have to follow orders then," a malicious smiled formed on his face.

I pressed my body farther against the wall, "People can't die in Heaven."

A throaty laugh erupted from within him, "How dumb are you? This isn't Heaven. This is a purgatory... for supernatural beings."

I swallowed, "W-what are you talking about?"

Brody took a step forward, instinctively making try to back up against the wall farther. "Oh sweet, sweet Kiara. Or should I say Fiera?"

"What? Who's Fiera?"

A mist of black smoke appeared where Brody was and then he was suddenly inches apart from me. My breath hitched in my throat and I tried to look everywhere except Brody's possessed eyes.

His hand outstretched and a finger slowly traced my cheek. He leaned in farther until his face was centimeters from mine and quietly whispered, "You are Fiera. I'd explain more... but it's time for you to die now."

A tear slipped down my face and I shut my eyes as I waited for my imminent death.

So this is it?

I'm going to die again. Will I just disappear out of existence?

I'll just become nothing.

A sharp blade touched middle of my neck.

"Say goodbye, Fiera," Brody hissed.

Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes, but I fought them back, not wanting to die as a coward.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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