Chapter 6~ Are you high?

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Chapter  6~ Are you high?

"Okay, now talk," I crossed my arms. I knew I should've probably been afraid, but I knew I could protect myself if I had to.

We were now in the middle of Justin's huge front lawn, a perfect place for a fight. Justin and the stranger were still in a stare off, and didn't seem to hear me speak.

"I SAID TALK," I wanted answers now.

Justin finally looked away. He backed away towards me, putting space between him and the stranger.

"That guy, " Justin said with disgust clearly written on his face. "Is Alex. He works for the queen in  the horrendous part of Wyvern.

Alex snickered, "You just think it's horrendous because you were exiled from the land. Now you work for the evil king in the worst part of Wyvern."

Justin obviously hates Alex and Alex just seemed to make it worse. "The king-"

"STOP, " I yelled because I knew it wouldn't be long before a full blown fight started.

They both looked at me.

"Now, someone explain what the heck is Wyvern and why are y'all talking about some other world. As far as I know, Earth is the only world with humans on it." I seriously wanted to know what was going on.

Alex smiled, "Earth is the only planet for humans. And you were not born human anyway."

I froze. I'm not human, I'm a mutant. I always knew my powers made me partially human. But I had thought  maybe I was exposed to radiation or something. I thought I was born human.

They were staring at me, waiting for my reaction. I decided that I would act undisturbed by what they just said, and unbelieving that there is another world.

"You expect me to believe that there's another world out there with humans? That really is not believable. If this is you're idea of a joke, you need to come up with a better one." I glared at them.

"It is true," Justin tried to convince me, now full looking at me. "We know about your powers and you know about them, too. Don't try to play it off."

I crossed my arms and scoffed, "Powers? Do I look like a complete idiot to you? I'm not playing anything off."

Alex started to look a little worried. I think he had started to believe me. "So the cause of the motel burning down had nothing to do with you?"

I tried to look shocked, "Me? You are trying to put the blame of the fire at the motel on me?"

Alex started frowning and seemed to be thinking. 

Justin who had been silent decided to start talking now,"So, you're name is not Fiera?" He stared at me, watching for any and every reaction.

I tried as hard as I can to keep my face blank, "Fiera? What type of name as that?"

At that moment, I saw Alex running at me with a knife in my hand. He was too close for me to run out of the way. Without thinking, I flicked my hand up and shot fire out at him to protect myself.

I gasped, "Oh my god! Alex are you okay?" I ran to him.

He was standing up, and not one mark was on him. As I got closer to him, the air got colder.

"H-How are you not dead or at least severely burned?" There was no way to survive that blast of fire without at least one mark.

He twirled the knife in his hand and put it back in his pocket. "I'm not burned because I control the element of ice, just like you control fire."

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