Chapter 9 - Kelseys Dramatic Antics

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It was Sunday and I was performing my usual routine of cleaning the house, polishing the silver and doing all the laundry.

I saw Kelsey sitting in her room. Her glasses were on which surprised me. Kelsey hadn't worn glasses since she was thirteen years old, she preferred contact lenses.

I put all the cleaning supplies in the cupboard and walked over to her. She was clicking away at her iPhone.

"Hey, Kelsey?" I asked as I padded into her room.

"What do you want, Perla?" She asked annoyed.

"To bond. Mom's right. We should appreciate having one another and I'm willing to forgive you." I said as I sat on her bed.

"Did you fall off your bed in the middle of the night? Or did you hit your head during your cleaning session?" Kelsey asked.

I sighed, "We have spent many years fighting over nothing, I think it's time we finally became proper siblings."

Kelsey scoffed, "You're ugly Perla, I wouldn't want anyone to know that you are related to me."

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"You know why. You know what you did and don't you dare deny it! Get out of my room! Get out! Get out, Perla!" She screamed as ugly sobs shuddered through her whole body with fat tears oozing out of her eyes and sliding down her face.

Despite my hate for her, it tore my heart to see her like this. The only question is what the heck did I do? I searched my memories for an answer but could not find a suitable one. I silently walked out of the room leaving a sobbing Kelsey behind as I made my way to the room.

I threw myself on my bed before grabbing my cellphone. I had thirteen missed calls and two texts from Adrian.

Adrian: Hey bestie! Would you like to go out tonight? I need a drink. The office hours have been hectic as hell!

Adrian: Perla? Are you alive???

I decided to just call him. Adrian picked up on the first ring with a breathless 'hello'.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I began to bite my nails, a nervous habit I had.

"I just jumped off the treadmill. You finally got my messages! I have been waiting for an eternity!" He gasped into the phone while I rolled my eyes.

"The message was sent two hours ago," I state looking at the clock.

"That's one hundred and twenty minutes, two thousand eight hundred and eighty agonising seconds!"

"You will be ending up without a liver," I said as I got up and moved to my vanity table to brush out my hair, "I think you need to stop drinking. Let's go bowling or ice skating instead." I suggest.

Adrian laughed, "You can do neither!"

"I can try!" I huffed.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at six, for some movies, ice skating and some ice cream."

"I need fatty foods! I can't deal with the fat-free stuff Kelsey buys."

"I haven't met your sister before," Adrian commented ignoring my previous statement.

"You are honestly better off without meeting her. She's a headache and a half." I sighed thinking back to earlier.

"She seems lovely in interviews and plus she is super hot-"

"Don't talk about my sister like that with me!" I grimaced cutting him off.

"Sorry. I need to go now, I'm driving back home. I'll message you when I am waiting outside." He said and ended the call after I had said goodbye.

Throwing my phone on my bed, I got up and took a refreshing shower. Cleaning all the grime and sweat off my skin I felt clean and refreshed.

I brushed my hair before I plugged the straightener in and waited for it to heat up.

Four and a half hours later I was ready. My hair was loose as it tumbled down my body and reached my bottom. I had straightened it and then used a curler iron to add some beach waves to it. I had added done some dark make up in order to match my black summer dress. I had black eye shadow, mascara and nude lipstick. I had on a pair of black sandals to match.

I walked outside my room when my phone beeped in my handbag. I pulled it out and read the message from Adrian. I walked out and found Kelsey on the couch eating a tub of ice cream while there were three empty tubs next to her. I furrowed my eyebrows at her messy self.

She looked up at me with hatred in her eyes, "Leave me alone." She hissed.

"I'm going out, I'll be back later tonight," I said. Kelsey ignored me and went back to scarfing the ice cream tub in front of her.

I walked into the elevator and gasped when I saw Nicholas on the ground floor speaking to a flustered, blushing receptionist. I passed him a meek smile as he walked towards me.

"Miss Summers?" He asked his eyes running over my figure making me feel self-conscious.

"Yes sir?" I managed to squeak out.

"I came to inform you that you will be joining me on my business trip to Spain for the next two weeks. You have tomorrow off in order to pack. Here are the files you'll need." He said giving me a huge box that was filled with documents.

"Thank you, sir," I responded struggling with the weight of the box.

Mr Adonis didn't respond as he walked away without a second glance. I looked at the box in my head and saw Adrian in my peripheral vision rushing towards me.

"He came to give you work on a Sunday?" Adrian grimaced at the heavy box in my hands.

"No," I frowned, "A little help will be appreciated," I groaned as Adrian blinked a few times.

"Oh right, right." He said taking the heavy box from me. I accompanied him to the apartment and had him set it out in my bedroom. Kelsey was nowhere to be seen.

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