Chapter 3 - Calm Yourself

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"Perla you will do great I am certain!" Adrian said and I nodded and wiped away the sweat off my forehead.

Two months later I found a job opening at Adonis Corps and I'm going to a job interview as the company's Graphic Designer. I am currently in the glass tower or should I say building and pacing. Adrian worked here as a manager.

"Calm yourself!" He said and I nodded taking a deep breath in.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breath out.

I sat down and repeated that mantra over and over in my head before a blonde haired lady, dressed in a white blouse and a pencil skirt came out with a clipboars.

"Miss Perla Summers?" She said looking around. I stood up and gave her a small smile.

"That would be me," I said timidly and she gave me a huge smile.

"Come along Miss, you are the last interviewer today," She informed which made me even more nervous, if that was even possible.

Silently I followed her down a corridor and passed what seemed like a million and one offices before we came to the last one. It had a huge sign that read: 'Nicolas Adonis'. The name Nicholas sparked something in me but I dismissed it as Blondie (as i have decided to call her) opened the door.

"Mr. Adonis is ready to see you." She said and headed to what I think is her office.

I slowly pushed the wooden door open and looked inside. The leather chair's back was towards so obviously the meant the person sitting in it was looking out the huge glass that acted as a wall for half the office. The glass overlooked the city.

I cleared my throat to announce my arrival and then he spoke.

"Take a seat," he simply said and I did exactly that. I waited for him to turn around.

A few moments later he did and I stifled a gasp when I saw his emerald green eyes and his messy blonde hair. It was him. The one from the club. I would recognise his beautiful eyes anywhere.  He looked at me silently and then his eyes added more intensity.

"Your CV," he said grimly.

I handed him my entire blue file. It had my portfolio to show case my talent and it also contained all the other documents he would need to hopefully employ me. He got up and took photocopies of some of the documents and gave them back to me.

"We'll call you later to tell you if you got the job," he said in a resigned manner.

"Thank you, Sir," I said and he nodded and went back to staring at his file.

Confused, I slipped out of the office and saw Adrian waiting for me. In that moment I felt the need to get a hige bear hug from him and I did. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly and he hugged me back, my head was against his collar bone. Adrian was a head and a half taller than me.

"Did it go well?" He murmured in my ear.

"He said they would call if I was accepted." I responded.

Adrian nodded, "Alright then, I'll come over to your place tonight or you can come to mine since you haven't been in so long."

"Alright. Your place then," I said and walked away and straight into the elevator. I went back to where I parked my car and headed to the nearest grocery store and bought some for later on.

I walked into a clothing store and began looking through some nice business type of outfits such as pencil skirts and blouses and those weird blocky heels as I noticed all females in that building wore something like that.

I walked from shop to shop to find something I liked but today obviously wasn't my day seeing as I found no article of clothing. I sighed and made my way to the car and drove home. I lay on the bed and didn't realise I had fallen asleep.

I lay awake in my cosy living room when the doorbell rang and I jumped up to get it.

I slowly opened it up and peaked when I saw it was Adrian. I threw the door open and welcomed him with a hug.

"Hey Pearls, how are you? You forgot to come over and I've been waiting." He asked as he shut the door and locked it behind him.

I swallowed my spit and felt guilty, "I fell asleep. I'm feeling nervous but I'm fine. What about you?" I said as he followed me into the living room.

We sat down in front of my flat screen tv as we talked.

"All is forgiven, I know how much stress you are under. Did Mr. Adonis ask any questions?" Adrian asked.

"No," I said and he smiled.

"Good, that's very good!" He said which made me raise an eyebrow at his weird behaviour.

"Why?" I asked.

"Mr. Adonis usually doesn't ask questions for people he tends to employ. I heard that rumour from his personal assistant Celine."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, now I better head off because I do unfortunately have work to do or Mr Adonis will kill me. I just wanted to check that you were alright since you didn't come over."

"Thanks for caring,"


Two weeks had passed and still no call from Adonis Corps. I was worried as hell and that wasn't something I liked to do in my spare time. I was afraid i would have to look for a new job soon.

Adrian always assured that the post had been empty which had always calmed my nerves, temporarily.

Then after that day filled with worry the morning after I got the call that makes me want to jump for joy. Yes, I was that happy. With Mr. Adonis, I went over all the files and signed the necessary documents.

He explained to me the role of my job which literally had nothing to do with any of the qualifications that I worked and studied hard for in college. I was the C.E.O's personal assistant.

I arranged and reminded him of his meetings, filed all the important documents in the storage, I took his calls and made sure everyhting was in order. I had zero experience in the P.A. field but it didn't seem too bad, plus I was desperate to actually earn some income.

I didn't really like my job though, but it was the only one available and also it paid well. Well enough to keep me living comfortably.

"So today's your first day, bestie?" Adrian asked as he escorted ne out the staff parking area I nodded still worried.

"Goodluck you will do well, Perla, You always have," He said and we parted ways.

I took a deep breath before I pushed the button and got into the elevator and walked into my brand new pristine office.

Here goes nothing.

The Billionaires SweetheartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora