Chapter 4 - Planning Day

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"You and Marketing will work together to make sure this festival is successful and we have very high attendance," Mr. Adonis said as he flung a bunch of papers on the desk in front of me and then in front of Cedric, the head of the marketing department here at Adonis Corps.

I looked at the papers, a bunch of names with phone numbers next to them. Some had very complicated looking emails instead of phone numbers.

"Remember that it is important that everything you do is done in an orderly manner. Miss Summers make sure you send the invites to these people and also call them all. I want that to be done by 2 pm today. Mr Dean I want different advert samples in my office by one pm. You are dismissed," He said as we stood up. 

I rushed to my office and set out designing the invites to send to the people who had emails next to their names.

I managed to send them all to the people and set to work phoning all the people who I had to. Most people were polite while some were just awfully rude and perhaps should go back to primary school to learn some manners they had possibly forgotten.

When those were all done at exactly half past one I swung by Alessio's office to see what he was up to and smiled when he invited me out for lunch, as friends of course.

"Today was hectic, Mr Adonis is really harsh this week. I have stacks of work to finish," Alessio said sighing as he laid an arm on the chair right next to him.

"Me too. Mr. Adonis gave me the whole invitation and calling people thing for the festival," I said and he shook his head.

"That's better than being over in Mr. Adonis's firm side of the company you know backing up and suing people and what not," He sighed.

"I wonder how you ever became a lawyer, Alessio. You suck at lying," I said with a laugh.

"Me too," He groaned.

"Guess what?" I said.

"What?" He asked looking slightly excited.

"We better head back to work before we both lose our jobs."

"Argh!" He moaned, "You killed the mood Perla. Thought it was something interesting,"

"Sorry," I apologised, faking a wince.


"Perla how was work today?" My cousin Emily who lived in Lebanon asked.

"It was alright, just really busy." I admitted rubbing my throbbing head.

"It'll be alright soon, Pearls." She said.

"How is Danny doing?" I asked her. Emily was engaged to a really good looking man called Daniel Levy. He was really sweet and he and Emily make a really cute and great couple.

"He's doing good. Do you want to know the reason I called you?" She asked and I smiled at her impatience.


"Me and Danny have decided to get married on August the thirty first. I was wondering if you would be my maid of honour?" She asked.

I squealed.

"Oh my gosh! Yes! Of course I will be your maid of honour Ems!"

"Thank you Pearls. I was worried that you wouldn't accept the position," She admitted and I laughed.


"You know the situation with your family and you fleeing out of the country to live in New York City and all," she said meekly.

I sighed and rubbed my sore neck, "You invited them didn't you?"

"Yes. I did," She sighed, "Look Perla I didn't want to hurt you but Jadelyn is my aunt. It wouldn't be right if I didn't send her an invite. So far I have no response,"

"I guess that is okay Ems. I'll talk to you later tonight?" I asked her.

"Of course are you busy?" She asked.

"Sort of. Nicholas is making me and Cedric plan a huge festival for Adonis corps to get the company even more publicity." I admitted.

"More publicity? That company is globally known and this Nicholas guy wants more publicity. Is this Nicholas dude the head of marketing or something?" Emily asked curious.

"More like the C.E.O of Adonis Corps. Cedric is the head of marketing,"

"Of you mean Nicholas Adonis? The Nicholas Adonis?" She said. I could literally hear her eyed pop out of their sockets.

"Yes Emily. Don't drool too much and hey! You have a fiancee you know!" I exclaimed while she laughed.

"I won't. By the way would you please pick me up from the airport tomorrow at seven pm. Be there early!" She said and ended the call leaving me with a hanging jaw.

My phone vibrated and I smiled when I realized that it was Emily sending me the location of the airport. I sent her a thumbs up before heading towards my desk and beginning to sort out the files.

What a long day...


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