Chapter 26 - Hidden Heart Eyes

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Nicholas and I had attended most of his functions together. I made sure that I was the perfect, lovable, and good-looking girlfriend anyone could ever want however I always made sure to keep my feelings in check. Three weeks ago, Adrian and I had agreed that Nick would never be interested in someone like me and that I need to get over him. "To get over him, you need to get under someone else!" Adrian had told me but I disagreed with him. I just needed to remember all the bad things he had done and that was a done deal.

"You look a little gloomy this evening. What's wrong?" Nick asked as he looked away from his laptop.

"Nothing," I said, avoiding eye contact.

"Will ice cream fix nothing?" He asked as he asked the driver to pull over right in front of a twenty-four-hour ice cream parlor.

"It could." I giggled as I watched him walk out of the car and walk to the window of the store.

It was moments like these that made me feel that under the stone heart he put on display there was a warm one. One small google search will tell you that he had been through hell and back. His sister, a famous actress, and model, Alexandra Adonis had been murdered by her own best friend who was jealous of her. His mother indeed had a terminal illness, she was diagnosed with stage three cervix cancer and had limited time to live. His father had passed away after a brutal car accident with a drunk driver and that left him only one person... his twin brother William who he seemed to be close to.

Nick never told me much about him. He had told me a few basics such as his birthdate and hobbies but we never had deep conversations. I was scared that I was skating on thin ice that was about to crack any second. When we did talk, Nick was passionate and caring. He always had a beautiful glow in his eyes when he spoke of his family members and I figured out that he was a family man. He was proud of it too.

"I hope you like it." Nick grinned as he handed me a sugar cone with three huge scoops of green ice cream.

"Pistachio gelato?" I grinned, I could tell that my whole face was glowing with excitement.

"Yep. No chocolate drizzle or anything."

"So you do listen when I talk." I giggled.

Nick took my hand and stared into my eyes, "Always." 

I could feel his minty breath fanning over my face as I stared into his beautiful eyes. I thought he was going to lean in for a kiss but within a few seconds, he had withdrawn from me and returned to the emotionless brick he generally was and began typing away on his laptop, and just like that... the special moment was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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