Chapter 16 - Work Piles

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I made sure to get to work a whole hour earlier than usual. I was so scared to face Nicholas. To be quite honest, I truly regretted my actions. He and I had made some progress in our professional relationship and I should have thought twice before destroying his brother's car.

As I was sorting through all the meetings he had today and prepared the appropriate files, Mr. Adonis called me through the intercom. Upon hearing his voice, I felt fear course through my body as I weakly made my way to his office.

"Good morning, Sir." I greeted, surprised that I did not stutter as I thought I would.

"It came out." He said and I nodded. Relief flooded my body.

"Thank goodness," I muttered.

"They reconciled too." 


"William and your cousin, Emily."

"What?" I gasped. I did not see that one coming.

However, Nicholas did not respond and went about doing his job as if I wasn't even there. I chose to head back to my office and texted Emily. I needed to know what he was talking about. I was surprised that Emily was back together with William considering the fact that she was telling everyone within earshot how much of a jerk he was. 

"Don't forget the meeting soon, Perla," Adrian said as he popped into my office and I nodded my head with a small smile.

"Thank you," I said and began gathering all the files. 

I unlocked the main boardroom as we had important business partners coming in to meet with all the important heads of departments and of course, Mr. Adonis himself. I placed new pens and notepads with some refrigerated bottled water at every seat. I also turned on the screen and ensured that it was fully functional before I ran to the intercom and reminded Nicholas of his meeting within fifteen minutes. 

As I sat down at my desk, I saw Nicholas rushing into my office.

"Sir is something wrong with the setup?" I asked, feeling worried.

"No. It is fine. I just need you to send invitations to all these people by tonight and RSVP to the Hawthorne ball as well."

"The one in a few weeks?" I asked and he nodded.

"Two people?"

"Yes." He said as he dropped a thick file onto my desk before he left and made his way to the meeting in the boardroom. 

I flipped the file open and felt angry as I glared at the stack of papers that were neatly filed. Each page contained several names, with e-mail addresses and physical addresses of very high-profile people. People like Brandon Hawthorne, Alessio Jackson, and other celebrity figures. 

Not feeling an ounce of motivation, I began typing all the e-mail addresses in the BCC section. It was very tedious. Every email address felt like it took hours to type. I had to double-check each one because I did not want to disappoint Nicholas.

I was still a little baffled when he let me off the hook so easily. I expected him to punish me. I guess this is torture, I said as I looked at the pile of papers I still had to go through with a lot of hate and despair. I would not leave the office at the end of the day, I would have to work overtime to make it all happen.

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